Winter. The flood

Nicolas Poussin • Painting, 117×160 cm
Digital copy: 514.7 kB
2000 × 1472 px • JPEG
48.3 × 35.3 cm • 105 dpi
33.9 × 24.9 cm • 150 dpi
16.9 × 12.5 cm • 300 dpi
Digital copy is a high resolution file, downloaded by the artist or artist's representative. The price also includes the right for a single reproduction of the artwork in digital or printed form.
About the artwork
Art form: Painting
Subject and objects: Landscape, Genre scene, Allegorical scene
Style of art: Classicism
Technique: Oil
Materials: Canvas
Size: 117×160 cm
Artwork in selections: 10 selections
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Description of the artwork «Winter. The flood»

Born in the middle of the 17th century, Poussin's classicism was based on the works of authors of the ancient era and the Renaissance, where nature was praised as the highest embodiment of harmony. Seasons in the paintings of artists of that era were used to convey a special meaning. Using the language of allegory, painters sought to awaken in the viewer his best moral qualities, to show the unity of man and nature.

Each of the four seasons in the paintings of seventeenth-century artists represents one of the periods of human existence. Spring and summer show us childhood and adolescence, full of bright colors and emotions. Autumn is maturity, reflection on the fullness of life and preparation for a long and cold winter.
Working on his painting "The Seasons: Winter", Poussin invested it with a special symbolic meaning. The painting is filled with tragedy and the idea of the frailty of all life. The flood that swept over the earth leaves no chance for salvation to anything living. The gloomy, black sky, to which man stretches out his hand in silent prayer, is riddled with flashes of lightning. Nature is numb before the threat of impending disaster.