Alekseevich Shishin

Russia • 1924−1986

Biography and information

(February 2, 1924, Kashira — December 8, 1986, Moscow), Russian Soviet painter, member of artists Union of the USSR.

Born in Kashira on 2 February 1924 in a family of workers. Already in early youth, thanks to the artistic talent, became the main breadwinner of the family — carried out the orders of the wealthy citizens of this small town. The desire to be an artist brought him to Moscow, where he arrived in 1939, after high school, and entered Moscow state academic art school of memory of 1905. In the same year moved to the Theatre and art school, where in the first days of the war volunteer went to the labor front, after which he returned to his hometown and worked at the Kashira plant. In February 1942 he was drafted Kashirsk district of Moscow region in the Soviet army until January 1944, served as a private. In October 1944 he entered the Moscow city art Studio for disabled world war II, graduated in 1950. His thesis was awarded the highest ratings of K. F. Yuon and G. G. Ryazhsky. In 1952 he was admitted to the Moscow Association of artists and worked in the workshop of easel painting. Since 1969 — member of Moscow Union of artists (painting Department). Participant of numerous exhibitions in the USSR and abroad, including on the Japanese island of Kyushu (1975), which presented the works of the best artists of the USSR.

Was not a painter-copyist, but he trusted the government orders for the execution of copies of great Russian artists to the government of the USSR and foreign countries — V. V. Vereshchagin, I. Aivazovsky, I. Shishkin and others. a copy of the painting Shishkin, "Lesnye Dali" was presented to Brezhnev on his 70th birthday. The range of possibilities AA shishina was unusually wide. Writer V. A. Soloukhin entrusted him with the restoration of the icons from their unique collections, called him the best restorer. The landscapes of AA shishina at an exhibition in Moscow in 1973 was purchased by the cosmonaut Alexei Leonov, the Soviet Ambassador to Australia, journalist Mikhail Lobanov, etc.

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