Yakovlevich Tretyakov

Russia • born in 1925

Biography and information

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR. Honored artist of the RSFSR.

(R. 25.10.1925, der. Semiha Mariinskogo R-on Omsk region), graphic artist, honored. artist of Russia (1976), member. Artists Union of Russia (1963). 1940 and studied at art school People. . home ADV. creativity N. A. Rusakov,P. G. Yudakov and I. L. Vandysheva, etc. In the future, working in t-ve “Artist” did in DOS. military. design orders, participated in the execution of the “TASS Windows” event-specific Led. Otech. war. DOS. the theme of creation T – Ural. region, its landscapes and people. From 1946 member of mn. region, zones., resp. and the all-Union. of arts. exhibitions. Most production. T. made in the technique of etching, black-and-white and color engravings on wood, cardboard, linoleum. The work was So in tune with time: in 60-ies of the born series graphic. sheets “the morning of the seven-year period” (1961), “Bukhara–Ural gas Pipeline” (1964). Several. series of prints dedicated to the So. The Urals [“Ural village” (1965), “Ural forest” (1966), “Magnitogorsk” (1973)]. So also known as the master of compositions-miniatures (bookplates, still lifes). Awarded medals of the USSR.

(author: A. S. Vaganov)

Lit.: Artists Of The South Ural / Comp. A. Saburov. L., 1963; Tretyakov, Nikolai Yakovlevich: CA. works: Cat. H, 1976; The Buy-In L. Artists Of Chelyabinsk. H, 1979; Chelyabinsk organisation of the Union of artists of Russia. 1936-1991: Right. / AVT.-comp. O. A. Kudzaev. H, 1996; Chelyabinsk organisation of the Union of artists of Russia. 1936-1996: Album. H, 1996.