Szinyei Merse

Hungary • 1845−1920

Biography and information

PAL Signee-Mersch (eng. Pál Szinyei Merse, July 4, 1845, Sinseollo, Hungary — 2 February 1920, Ernie, Hungary) is an artist, considered the founder of the Hungarian impressionism. Comes from a noble Slovak family, the Art Academy of Munich he studied with Karl Piloty. But it was the young artist to become better acquainted with the works Manet, Courbetby the works of the French Impressionists, as academic art was forever lost the chance to get Pala, Sinai-Mersch in their ranks. But if in France, impressionism was already gaining strength, for Hungary it was too long – too soon, too easily. Criticism, the public and colleagues made the young artist a harsh verdict.

Desperate to get favors from the capricious audience, PAL Signee-Mersch scored the painting. In 1873 he married and retired to the family estate in Ernie. Ten years later, Sinai-Mersch attempted to remind myself, sending pictures to the exhibition in Vienna. The attempt was unsuccessful. But that's not the end of the story.

In 1890-e years, impressionism was no longer Hungary. The students admired the French, the critic favorably evaluated the Impressionists and post-Impressionists, and the audience just wanted to watch it again and again. And it is here that the time has come for the triumphant return of Sinai-Mersch. Yes here it is, a self-impressionist, there is no need in France to look for them! This time the countrymen have seen him work where as supportive. One after the exhibitions of Paris (1900), Munich (1901), Berlin (1910), Rome (1911). Most of the work, the audience was able to appreciate in 1896 in Budapest the exhibition dedicated to the celebration of the Millennium of Hungary.

In 1905, Fell Signee-Mersch led the School of Decorative arts (later Academy of fine Arts). The long-awaited recognition came to him, from now until the end of the life of Signei-Mersch was one of the key figures of Hungarian painting. However, among the fans there is an opinion that the freshest, most interesting work created at the time of the obscurity.

Features of the artist Pala, Sinai-Mersch: the impressionistic mood of the paintings, the fascination with color, disregard for the rules of composition. Of the works of Sinai-Mersch, as a rule, do not get to say that their main characters – light and air. The transmission of light and air space, he pays much less attention than the French counterparts. Although there were exceptions, due, in the first place a plot choice. In the open air, Signei-Mersch, as a rule, did not work, preferring the outdoors to soak up the impressions, and write in the Studio. Followers of Signei-Mersch – artists nadbugskoye and postnational schools (Shimon Holloshi, Karoly Ferenczy).

Famous paintings Pala, Sinai-Mersch: "Picnic in may" ("the luncheon on the grass"),"Meadow with poppies","Lady in purple","Swing".

Author: Alain Esaulova