Master ES (Master ES, 1420 - 1468) - this is not exactly the name of the artist. On some prints in the signature, the letters “E. S. ”, therefore the name“ Master E.S. ”was assigned to their author. Stylistic features of the works of German graphics suggest that he was actively working in the middle of the XV century on the lands of the Upper Rhine and in northern Switzerland. Researchers believe that the artist died shortly after finishing work on his famous “Fantastic Alphabet”. The creative life of the master is determined by the years of his activity - 1450−1467 gg.
More than 300 engravings by Master E.S. have been preserved, and another 200 can be restored on the basis of copies. The style of his works is based on the art of the late Gothic.
The rich, skillful compositions of Masters E.S. gave a powerful impetus to the development of sculpture on both sides of the Alps. The artist also made a revolution in copper engraving. Thanks to a special parallel shading, he learned how to simulate shadows and plastics, and also could create a marvelous velvety effect in a printed print.
The most famous work, The Fantastic Alphabet, includes 23 lower-case letters of the Gothic alphabet and represents an absolutely amazing phenomenon.
The artist worked on it in the years 1466-1467, based on the Bohemian alphabet of 1400. Some of the letters he copied exactly, others completely redid his style.
Thematic diversity of the German graphic art is extraordinary for its time.
The master also created religious works, scenes from the Old and New Testaments, the Passion of the Christ, the life of the Virgin Mary and the Apostles, told in his works whole legends about the saints.
There were a German artist and "secular interests" in the works - there are numerous sheets with courtly scenes of a light erotic nature.