About the artwork
This artwork has been added by an Arthive user, if it violates copyright please tell us.
Art form: Installation

Description of the artwork «21 EVA AND ADAM»


Juicy desire crimson,
Eve in the Garden of Eden is
And behind him the tempter-serpent,
Like a fancy ribbon, entails.

Every movement is equally charming,
In every rush immensely honest,
It will not be anyone's bride
Forever captivating life Spring.


Firmly, confidently, without stress
Apple basket carries on his shoulders.
The severity of the fruit, like a stimulus of movement,
And the concept of "fear" is unfamiliar.

The joy of the spirit will inflict on the tablets.
Deify dear features.
If only the apples didn't run out -
Taste, aroma and soul of beauty.

Natalya Troyantseva