Hot House Couple (together with Mila Bredikhina)

Oleg Kulik • Sculpture, 1995, 370×650 cm
About the artwork
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Art form: Sculpture
Date of creation: 1995
Size: 370×650 cm
Owner: Oleg Kulik

Description of the artwork «Hot House Couple (together with Mila Bredikhina)»

A glass sculpture Hot House Couple (1994–1995) by Oleg Kulik together with Mila Bredikhina is a part of their general program Zoophrenia. The work should be seen as an image of origins. In frames of Zoophrenia program a modern man is regarded as a rootless adoptive child of a nature avoided the knowledge about his/her origins and thus identity. Alter ego of a man, his/her non-anthropomorphous Other is an animal (a very natural, balanced and harmonized creature) suppressed inside him/her.
Hot House Couple, which is more than three meters high and depicts a bull inseminating a cow is, from the one hand, an attempt to create a "zoophrenic" cosmogony and, from the other, a personal search, a draft of the etymology of the individual.
An ecological circuit has been installed inside the transparent monster. The bull's penis, the pump, which is visible to the viewer, sprays water on the natural universe growing inside the cow, which is absorbed by plants and earth and then led back to the pump.
...No "primordial" smell of stable and sexual juices can pass through the hermetically sealed surface of the glass sculpture. We must imagine the smell, just we imagine an origin.

Morten Lerhard No Man's Land. Catalogue. Copenhagen, 1995