"Geometric surrealism" - the fractality of Fibonacci numbers

About the artwork
This artwork has been added by an Arthive user, if it violates copyright please tell us.
Art form: Digital art
Subject and objects: Fantasy
Style of art: Abstractionism, Surrealism
Technique: Digital graphics
Materials: Paper
Date of creation: 2007
Size: 85×100 cm

Description of the artwork «"Geometric surrealism" - the fractality of Fibonacci numbers»

An abstract composition of vector graphics, revealing the theme of the “fractional dimension of fractal structures”. This property of similarity in the structure of a separate part with a single whole, which demonstrates the principle of recursive self-similarity.
Fractals, not having strictly identical elements, have similarity at any scale, which is characteristic of many systems and objects of our reality. Fractal theories are associated by most intellectuals with the famous Mandelbrot set. However, any objects or structures, combining with multiples of orders of magnitude decrease and increase in scale, always produce the most amazing fractal structures. What is actively engaged in "Her Majesty" Nature, in various forms of formation. And artists and scientists can only wonder, trying to develop their modest fantasy in competition with infinitely unique manifestations of natural fractal patterns and ideas. What I tried to do, and how well it turned out, to judge you, my viewers.