
born in 1945
Peter Miller was born in Philadelphia (USA), but for the last 30 years he has been living in Japan in the city of Kamakura. Fond of photography since childhood, after moving to Japan, he decides to devote his life to this and gives up his professional career in financial consulting. Peter Miller begins to carefully study the techniques of classical European, Chinese and Japanese engraving and discovers the long-forgotten laborious technique of photo engraving, invented in the 19th century and combining engraving and photography. Peter Miller is currently one of the few artists working in this technique. His works are stored in collections of world museums, such as the Victoria and Albert Museum (London, UK), the National Museum of American Art (Washington, USA), the Yenisch Museum (Vevey, Switzerland).

Milestones Biography

Born in 1945 in Philadelphia (USA).

1950-1960s - Grew up in the city of Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, USA); from childhood he was fond of photography, at school was interested in chemistry, he graduated from Columbia University.

1974 - Doctorate in Sociology. University of California, Berkeley, USA.

1981 - Relocation to Tokyo.

1983 - Becomes the first foreign member of the Japan Mountain Photography Association.

1990 - study of the originals of the works of the XIX century, the history of European photogravure, printing techniques in England and France.

1991 - moving from Tokyo to Kamakura (Japan), equipping his workshop, the first exhibition of prints.

Held more than 40 exhibitions in Japan, USA, England, France, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia; created more than 300 print runs of photo engravings.

The artist’s works are in the collections of the Museum of Modern Art in Kamakura (Japan), the Asian Art Gallery of A. M. Sackler of the Smithsonian Institution (Washington, USA), the National Museum of American Art (Washington, USA), the Houston Museum of Fine Arts (USA), the Victoria Museum and Albert (London, Great Britain), the Yenish Museum (Vevey, Switzerland), the Museum of the East (Moscow), Rosfoto (St. Petersburg), the Yekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts, Gilka Center for Graphic Arts; Portland Museum of Art; Cleveland Museum of Art; New York Public Library; Robert H. Fleming Museum, University of Vermont; National French Library (Paris, France); Musee Jenisch, Cabinet des Estampes (Vivi, Switzerland); International Graphic Collection, Museum of Cremona (Italy); Hokokuji, Tokeiji, Kosokuji, Joemuji Temples and other collections and private collections.
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