Kakšne barve so vijolične?

Anna Fedjukina • 2020-th , 400×600 cm
About the artwork
This artwork has been added by an Arthive user, if it violates copyright please tell us.
Subject and objects: Allegorical scene, Literary scene
Style of art: Fine art, Art
Technique: Acrylic paints, Acril
Materials: Acrylic, Lacquer, Sequins
Date of creation: 2020-th
Size: 400×600 cm

Description of the artwork «Kakšne barve so vijolične?»

Ko se enkrat soočite s krutostjo in zasmehovanjem, se lahko spremenite v zlo čarovnico. Bila je mlada, naivna in lepa in je samo želela vedeti - kakšna je pravzaprav barva vijoličastih?