SOVIET-BAVAR GOVERNMENT ((Räte-Republic in Bavaria)

Карл Ксавьер (Karl Xaver) Гётц (Goetz) • Jewelry, 1919, 5.9×5.9×5.9 cm
About the artwork
Art form: Jewelry
Date of creation: 1919
Size: 5.9×5.9×5.9 cm

Description of the artwork «SOVIET-BAVAR GOVERNMENT ((Räte-Republic in Bavaria)»

((Räte-Republic in Bavaria)

1919, Cast Bronze, Satirical Medal, 59.0 mm, 53.7 g.

Obverse: Sneaky caricatures of Levin (worker), Toller (soldier) and Musham (farmer) depicted as advice. Inscription "Die Räte-Republik in Baiern" Dated 7-30-1919.

Reverse: Gustav Landauer dancing and playing a "kiss on the face" with the Russian Lenin to the tune of the "Internationale". In the background, the Munich tower of the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary is connected by cables to the Moscow Cathedral. The inscription: "Los vom Reich" (Outside the Empire).