Iris, messenger of the gods

Auguste Rodin • Sculpture, 1890, 48.4 cm
Digital copy: 150.0 kB
1190 × 1500 px • JPEG
35.3 × 50 cm • 76 dpi
20.2 × 25.4 cm • 150 dpi
10.1 × 12.7 cm • 300 dpi
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About the artwork
Art form: Sculpture
Subject and objects: Portrait, Nude, Mythological scene
Style of art: Impressionism
Materials: Bronze
Date of creation: 1890
Size: 48.4 cm
Artwork in selections: 18 selections
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Description of the artwork «Iris, messenger of the gods»

The most daring and outright sculpture of Auguste Rodin in the beginning had the head, wings and arm. She hovered over the head Nude Victor Hugoin the second project of the monument, and symbolized the glory, which was awarded to the literary works of the writer. At the monument there were several versions, none of which were suitable for the customer, the French state: Hugo was Nude, powerful and vigorous but no longer young, is a man with a decrepit old man muscles and sagging skin. This body, the UN-heroic and imperfect, confused and troubled his contemporaries Rodin, accustomed to a very different sculptural traditions. Nude Muse whispering writer brilliant line, embarrassment of the audience and customers only increased.

Irida removed from the second version of the monument, became an independent sculpture and was incredibly popular. Only during the lifetime of Rodin cast 7 copies Bouncing in shameless PA goddess. Said the sculptor posed when creating the acrobats and dancers were inspired by the then popular Kankan.

Devoid of heads and wings, the sculpture was provocative, exciting and sexy: the viewer's eye, sliding along the smooth bronze surface, invariably rests in the center, meaning and composition in the genitals. "Iris" is compared to a painting by Courbet "The origin of the world"- the same frankness and candor, with no signs of vulgarity and a shameful sensuality.

"Irida" Rodin – somewhere between heaven and earth. Divine soaring beyond gravity, rotation in the air, jump in the ethereal – and at the same negrocity, inelegant, but acrobatic is difficult and requires the work of all the muscles jump strong, tangible body. Be the heroine of Rodin Greek goddess, a literary character or two women in the game of love – they are sexy, exciting, grounded and deified at the same time. Not mythological status rescues the heroine from giggling vulgarity, and emotional freedom, beauty, liberated from the conventions of the body.

Today, the official copy of the "iris, the messenger of the gods" are kept in museums of Oslo, Zurich, Paris, Washington, Basel, new York, Los Angeles and Adelaide. And a few in private collections. One of the most valuable castings that are created during the life of Rodin, has long been in the private collection of Sylvester Stallone, and in 2016, set a record at Sotheby's auction – it was sold for 16,6 million dollars and became the most expensive sculpture of Auguste Rodin sold at public auction. Not the famous "Kiss" or the grandiose "Thinker", whose copies also appear frequently at auctions, and "iris" sculpture, which even today is very modern and bold.

One of the bronze cast sculpture for many years stood in the bedroom of the artist Lucian Freuddirectly opposite the bed, and was the first image that is seen waking up one of the most contradictory and controversial contemporary artists.

Author: Anna Sidelnikova