Seriography (lat. serikus — "silk") is a method of obtaining many prints of one good quality picture using silk mesh. This term is also called "silkscreen". Certain areas of the mesh are coated with a special substance that does not let paint onto the plane. Screen printing became the basis for the technique. During the process, all kinds of paints are used, which can be mixed during application to create new shades. The image can be applied to various surfaces, including canvas. This method was actively used by pop artists. So, Andy Warhol created a series of portraits of Marilyn Monroe using seriography. Moreover, seriography is an appropriate tool for replicating advertising products and posters.
Seriography was at the forefront of interior design. Indeed, in this way, expensive work became available to ordinary people. Up to several hundred pictures can be obtained from one matrix. Moreover, the copy can be the author’s one, that is, certified by the artist’s signature. Opponents of the modern way of creating works accuse seriography of trying to industrialize art, since a copy is a copy despite the quality.
Diptych Marilyn
1962, 205.4×289.5 cm