N. A. Nekrasov in the period of "Last songs"

Ivan Nikolayevich Kramskoy • Painting, 1879, 105×89 cm
About the artwork
Art form: Painting
Subject and objects: Portrait
Style of art: Realism
Technique: Oil
Materials: Canvas
Date of creation: 1879
Size: 105×89 cm
Region: Moscow
Location: Moscow
Artwork in selections: 40 selections

Description of the artwork «N. A. Nekrasov in the period of "Last songs"»

"Nekrasov in the period of "Last songs"" – the second version of the portrait of Nekrasov. Although the archaeology of this kind, the painting was conceived initially.

When it became clear that health Nekrasov catastrophically deteriorating, Pavel Tretyakovcommissioned artist for a portrait. Kramskoy wanted to write of the poet in the pillows. But all who heard of this tried to dissuade him, claiming that such surroundings will hurt the heroic image of the folk singer. Kramskoy started to write in accordance with his plan, but then, persuaded, made for Tretyakov different version classic half-length portrait with arms crossed. But from the initial idea, he refused. Because seriously ill poet could pose no more than 10-15 minutes, then nature is written here is only the head. I finished the painting Kramskoy after the death of Nekrasov, attach the head to the main canvas.

The poet appears to us the way it was seen in the last days of life. In bed, emaciated, with noble and manly face, steadfastly keep the face of the disease for his main passion is poetry.

Kramskoy was planning to write at the head of the bed wardrobe with hunting weapons (Nekrasov loved hunting), and at the feet to put his beloved dog. But later abandoned those parts - they distract attention from the main ideas. Kramskoy deliberately put on the canvas the wrong date – March 3, 1877. On this day, Nekrasov wrote a poem, "Bayushki-bye".

In the room we see the bust of Belinsky, Nekrasov who introduced to the literature and played an important role in shaping his worldview. Nekrasov all his life remembered teachers with deep gratitude. On the wall at a bed hang portraits of Dobrolyubov and Mickiewicz – they represent the interests and aspirations of the poet.

On the shelf beside the bed Nekrasov – medicine, drugs and volume of the journal Sovremennik, whose editor he was, and which rallied around the progressive part of society. Nothing feared advisers, "Nekrasov in the pillows," will lose its power. On the contrary, in this portrait of Kramskoy managed to convey it is not broken even at death's door spirit. Archaeology showed a picture of the sixth traveling exhibition, and eventually it also acquired Tretyakov.

Author: Alain Esaulova