Self Portrait By John Constable

Janez policist • Drawings and illustrations, 1804, 24.8×19.4 cm
About the artwork
Subject and objects: Portrait
Style of art: Romanticism
Technique: Chalk, Pencil
Materials: Paper
Date of creation: 1804
Size: 24.8×19.4 cm
Artwork in selections:
There is still no description of this artwork. It may appear later. Track updates on Arthive.
Other artworks by this artist
Summing up the boats to the shore. Brighton
Summing up the boats to the shore. Brighton
1824, 26.1×30.4 cm
Digital copy
Grove house, Hampstead
Grove house, Hampstead
1822, 60×50 cm
Digital copy
The Church among the trees
The Church among the trees
1800, 27.8×36.2 cm
Digital copy
Galloping horse
Galloping horse
1825, 142×187.3 cm
Clouds Etude
Clouds Etude
1821, 38.4×42.9 cm
Digital copy
Clouds. Sketch
Clouds. Sketch
1821, 19.4×24.1 cm
Digital copy
Wivenhoe Park, Essex
Wivenhoe Park, Essex
1816, 56.1×101.2 cm
Digital copy
Mrs. James
Mrs. James
1818, 75.6×62.9 cm
Digital copy
The Church Porche, East Bergholt
The Church Porche, East Bergholt
1810, 44.5×35.9 cm
Digital copy
The opening of Waterloo bridge on 18 June 1817. Sketch
The opening of Waterloo bridge on 18 June 1817. Sketch
1829, 61×99.1 cm
Digital copy
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