SHININ ALEXANDER STEPANOVICH (born July 23, 1954) is an Honored Worker of the Arts of Ukraine.
In 1979, he graduated from the Odessa State Art College. M.B.Grekov.
In 1992 - the Kharkov State Academy of Design and Arts;
monumental and decorative art.
Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine since 1994.
Participant of international and personal exhibitions.
DOCENT of the Department of "Artistic Training" of Vinnytsia Pedagogical University named after M.Kotsyubinsky, the Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Arts.
In his easel painting works in a direction that he called:
"ISOAXIALOGISM" - an image of philosophical reasoning about the values of life. (IZO - a complex of plastic arts, originally associated with the creation of static images and material forms, AXIA - value, LOGIC - reasoning).
1. Personal exhibition "Formal composition" Germany, Norden, 1993-1994.
2. Personal exhibition in 1995. Vinnitsa
3. Personal exhibition. Gallery "Foundation for the Promotion of the Development of Arts" .g.Kiev, 2006.
4. Personal exhibition in Kiev, About Credit Bank, 2007.
5. Personal exhibition. Vinnitsa, Regional History Museum, 2008.
6. Personal exhibition "55", Vinnitsa, "Art-Chic", 2009.
The main creative works of the MONUMENTAL-DECORATIVE ART:
1.Rospiska temple in the village of Klembovka, Vinnytsia region. The altar part. 67 icon-painting works. 1995y.
2.External painting of the church in Bolshie Krushlentsi. Acrylic. 35m2, 2004
3.Chramovaya painting. The church of "St. Archistratigus Michael" 50m2., Acrylic. Lviv, 2005
4. Byzantine mosaic. Preobrazhensky cathedral. Vinnitsa, 2006-2007, smalt.
The main exhibitions of easel painting:
1. Joint exhibition of works of artists of Vinnytsia and Mykolaiv region. Kiev, 1986.
2.Respublikanskaya exhibition of works of young artists. Kiev, 1989.
3. "Malovnicha Ukraina" .Poltava, 1990.
4. Republican art spring exhibition. Kiev, 1991.
5. Republican art exhibition. Kiev, 1991.
6. "All-Ukrainian Art Autumn Exhibition". G.Kiev, 1992.
7. "The first interregional exhibition of works of art" Vinnitsa, 1998.
and the like to this day.
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