The crowning with thorns

Hieronymus Bosch • Painting, XVI century, 157×194 cm
About the artwork
Art form: Painting
Subject and objects: Religious scene
Style of art:
Technique: Oil
Materials: Wood
Date of creation: XVI century
Size: 157×194 cm
Region: Madrid, Spain
Location: Escorial, Madrid
Artwork in selections: 14 selections

Description of the artwork «The crowning with thorns»

"The crowning with thorns" Hieronymus Bosch represented in the Monastery of San Lorenzo is part of the complex Escoria (Madrid). Unlike another "Crowning...", stored in London the authorship of the Madrid Board not contested.

The figure of the Savior and his tormentors in the Madrid painting is depicted on a gold background and inscribed in a circle (Tondo). In comparison with the London version is more violent and psychological dynamics of diversity in the image of the persecutors of Christ. Ironclad with ugly odarennym mouth hand in the iron glove off of Christ covers. The warrior behind him, going even deeper to the crown on the brow of the Savior. It does this using a stick – a way to depict the crowning of thorns preferred German masters, and his unnaturally elongated leg, bent at the knee, rests on a pedestal. Tear knee (the same have Rotterdam "the Wanderer"Bosch) represents a dissolute life. The third character peeking from behind a second, intrigued by looking at the actions of the executioners. "This lively and morbid interest contrasts with the cool indifference of the two men on the left– said Walter Bosing, author of the book "Hieronymus Bosch. Between hell and Paradise" – the torment of Christ takes on a cosmic scale due to the fact that around the most paintings in grisaille technique presents the eternal battle of angels and demons and a never – ending struggle between good and evil".

Man, shown in profile, head-dress, surmounted by a beam sticking out of the hair, holding a scepter with a crystal ball, which placed Moses with the tablets of the Covenant. Apparently, this is a collective image of the Jewish priests and scribes, achieved the death of Christ.

Some researchers suggest that fine-looking gentleman in a green robe with disappointment drooping corners of the mouth (second from left) can be a self-portrait.

Author: Anna Yesterday