Martigues (Harbor in Provence)

Andre Derain • Painting, 1913, 141.2×89.5 cm
About the artwork
This artwork was added since it is referred to in the materials below
Art form: Painting
Subject and objects: Urban landscape
Style of art: Fauvism
Technique: Oil
Materials: Canvas
Date of creation: 1913
Size: 141.2×89.5 cm
Artwork in selections: 21 selections

Description of the artwork «Martigues (Harbor in Provence)»

Picture "The harbour in Provence" written during the passion of Darren cubism. Very noticeable in it, and the echoes of primitivism: the lack of prospects, not relatedness scale: the huge tree in the foreground, carefully traced the grass. Incredibly large from the point of view of classical perspective trees on the distant white mountain and the tiny clouds over the mountain. In this way wrote Henri Rousseau.

The color deposited is clearly and tightly, pointillism remained in the distant past. The plane of the dense local color to fill a geometric shape. Dark trees and rich, warm colors of the soil contrast with light houses, cool blue water and the blue of the sky. The General mood of the picture would be bright, if not too dark, with almost black foliage of the foreground tree. Due to it there is a feeling of inner tension.

With a picture of Darren in common "lyrical cubism" Russian artist Robert Falk. An interesting position from which we see the pattern – the high point of the failure space, long-range plan, where you can see the smallest details. Like Deren did in landscapes with bridges. However, the reception this was not a novelty, it found in the works of Bruegel.

Deren this way wrote and the open window, a motif which certainly inspired Matisse – the master, he was one of the favorite. You can get away from Fauvism, but close encounters with Matisse does not go unnoticed.

Author: Alain Esaulova