My dear home

Cody Chaniel • Painting, 20.10.2016, 958×960 cm
About the artwork
This artwork has been added by an Arthive user, if it violates copyright please tell us.
Art form: Painting
Subject and objects: Landscape, Architecture, Genre scene
Technique: Watercolor, Engraving, Oil
Materials: Canvas, Paper
Date of creation: 20.10.2016
Size: 958×960 cm
Region: Bac Ninh
Owner: Cody Chaniel

Description of the artwork «My dear home»

I'm artist Cody Chaniel the creator of 'My dear home' on October 20, 2016.

My contact information:
Owner: Cody Chanel
Mailing address: 377 Greenwich St., New York, United States
Do not Re-up my photos in any form