Petrovich Radionov

Russia • XX siècle−XXI siècle

Biographie et informations

Self-taught artist from Novorossiysk. Originally from Belarus. He had no artistic education. During his life he changed many professions. He lived most of his life in Novorossiysk with his wife Raisa in a house by the sea. The last years of his life he lived in the village of Chamlykskaya, Krasnodar Territory. Favorite themes: seascapes of Novorossiysk, native expanses of Belarus and Siberian birches. Birches the artist wrote with special trepidation, as they once saved his life. Living as a child in Siberia, Alexander Petrovich became very ill. The disease so strongly affected his legs, from which they were almost taken away. From hopelessness parents called for help witch doctor. The local sorceress wrapped little Sasha's legs with birch branches and covered them tightly with a blanket. In the morning, "like a grandmother whispered", everything passed without a trace. In the morning, Sasha remembered the disease as a terrible dream.