Izrailevich Anisfeld

Russia • 1878−1973

Student Academy of Art. from 1900 to 1909 23 Nov 1909-the title of the artist for the painting :"Adam and eve". (Kondakov)


1. Hoffmann I. (author). Russian symbolism. Blue rose. Moscow. 2005

2. Kruglov P., Petinova E., Karpova E., and others (authors and compilers). Symbolism in Russia. Saint-Petersburg. 1996

3. Sarabianov, D. V. et al. (the authors of the TSA. articles). Russian theater and decorative art 1880 – 1930. Catalogue of the exhibition from the collection of Nikita and Nina Lobanov-Rostovsky. Moscow. 1988

4. Titova, L. O. (author). Artists circle "World of art". Catalogue of the exhibition from private collections of St. Petersburg. Saint-Petersburg. 1997

5. Boult, E. J., Lobanov-Rostovsky N. D. The artists of the Russian theater 1880 – 1930.

Catalog-reason. Moscow. Art. 1994

6. Collectors, curators, and restorers. A collection of articles. Vol.3. Saint-Petersburg. Timing. 2005. P. 294 – 301

7. Pruzhan, I. N., Pushkarev V. A. still life in Russian and Soviet painting. Leningrad. Aurora. 1971

Russian artist, designer,

born in the town of Balti (Bessarabia Guberniya) 2 (14) October 1878. He studied at the Odessa drawing school under G. A. Ladyzhensky and K. K. Kostandi (1895-1900). He also studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of arts (1901-1909), in the studios of I. Repin and D. N. Kardovsky. Was a member of the "World of art" (from 1910), participated in exhibitions of "Union of Russian artists".

Became famous picturesque fairy tale of dreams and extravaganzas (Eastern legend, 1905, Tretyakov gallery; Magic lake, 1914, Russian Museum, Petersburg); he aspired to a special, surreal sounds and colors. The most organic way of expression was his art of theater. He made his debut as set designer, having a play Wedding Zobeide by G. von Hofmannsthal (1907, the theater Komissarzhevskaya, directed by V. E. Meyerhold). From 1909 he worked for the "Russian ballet" Sergei Diaghilev, performing the scenery on sketches of L. S. Bakst and other masters. Independently designed the ballets underwater world to the music of N..Rimsky-Korsakov (1911, "Russian ballet" Sergei Diaghilev), Islamey Mily Balakirev (1912, Mariinsky theatre, the ballet-master M. M. Fokin), the preludes Franz Liszt and the Seven daughters of the Mountain King, A. A. Spendiarov (1912-1913, the repertory company of Anna Pavlova in Berlin), Egyptian nights by A. S. Arensky (1913-1914, entreprise M. M. Fokine in Berlin and Stockholm), the Vision rose to music by C. M. Weber and of Les Sylphides to the music of F. Chopin (1914, entreprise V. F. Nijinsky in London) and several others. Original embodied characteristic of the "beautiful theater" modern trend of transformation of the stage action in it-colorful, "purely musical" spectacle.

In 1917 Anisfeld went through Siberia and the far East to Japan, and in 1918 settled in new York. Cooperated with the theater "Metropolitan Opera", and since 1921 – and with the Chicago Opera. After moving to Chicago (1928), until 1957 he taught at the local Art Institute. Actively worked as an Illustrator, creating paintings in the spirit of decorative and lyrical expressionism, in 1940-1950-ies performed a series of paintings about the gospel. Anisfeld died in Waterford (Connecticut PCs) 4 Dec 1973.

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