Alexandrovna Biantovskaya

Russia • née en 1941

Biographie et informations

Thesis in the CVC - design and illustrations for the book Shishkov "Gloom-river", the evaluation - excellent. The training took place in the graphical Department. Qualified graphic artist.

Schedule. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Was born in Leningrad on 17 September 1941.

After finishing secondary art school at the Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture named I. E. Repin Academy of arts of the USSR in 1960, he entered the faculty of graphics of this Institute. Graduating in 1967, she became a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR.

Olga Biantovskaja specializiruetsya in the field of book illustration, design and posters and participated in more than 160 national and international exhibitions.

Author and developer of the idea of the project series of albums dedicated to the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg "History and culture of St. Petersburg in the chart of the St. Petersburg artists".

Laureate of the St. Petersburg Government in literature, art and architecture 2002 for the creation of albums of prints "the History and culture of St. Petersburg in graphics".

Olga Biantovskaja is a Bureau member of the graphics section of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists of Russia and a Board member of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists of Russia (the creative and exhibition sector).

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