Eduardovich Blazevic

Russia • 1898−1969

Biographie et informations

1898-2-2. Painter. Thesis in the CVC "Blacksmith" and the sketch "in 1925. Radio telegraphist".

The name read Seliverst.

(15.02.1898, der. Monikova Pustynsky vol. Greensboro district of the Vitebsk province. – 2.09.1969, Chelyabinsk), one of initiators of creation in the USSR in the early 1920s, studios for the preparation of the “army of working artists.” He studied in the Church.-a parish school. Moved to the city of Velikiye Luki, where he acquired working skills in metalwork-mechanical. workshop. In 1914-21 worked in Velikolukskiy workshops service as a mechanic, a Turner, a blacksmith, a Miller, a tinsmith. Simultaneously. engaged in self-education: took private lessons for obscheobrazovat. the subjects depicted. art in L. A. Malysheva. After the revolution he studied at the velikolukskiy working University. Graduated From The Leningrad. AH (1926). B. teacher – Professor V. I. Savinovskiy, A. A. Rylov, K. S. Petrov-Vodkin, Osip Braz and others passion for art combined with the B. s of life. and watered. activity, passion roar. ideas page-VA new life, a new art. Simultaneously. studying at the Academy of arts was doing in school. Kalinin graduated from sowetskogo in Leningrad. Took an active part in the fight against the “formalist-leftist trend in AH”. As a result, the span.-Orlovskoe (see Association of artists of revolutionary Russia) the direction the Academy took (to him belonged to the BA), and representatives of avant-garde art was expelled from the teachers. Participated in the restoration of the Museum of fine arts (as a member of the. AHRR), was one of the organizers and a member of. Bureau of youth AHRR (OMORR) in Leningrad. In 1923 B. together with W. G. Gray and Ginger explained the idea of the deployment in the country of movement of the working artists for the purpose of approving a new realistic. art. They created LORCH (leningr. the Association of working artists), converted in 1931 in Leningrad. the Association of proletarian artists, similar to RAPP. From 1924 to 1937, studying at the Academy, Boris was engaged in PED. worker-STU – led art studios and working artists, fans: the correspondents-artists in an edition of “Leningradskaya Pravda”; painting Studio, and rice. in Leningrad. The printing-house; in the House honey. workers. The students participated in all-Union. and. exhibitions were awarded St. From 1937 to 1941 he continued to teach, in the autumn of 1941 he worked at the Baltic plant as a mechanic. In 1942, evacuated to the city of Molotovsk Arkhangelskaya oblast, he worked as a process engineer in a plant № 402. In 1943 in connection with the evacuation of Leningrad. The Kirov factory has arrived in Person. and by may 1944 he worked as Inzh.-technologist in the Department. technologist CTZ. In 1944 was appointed hands. of arts. workshop of the plant. In 1946-62 hands. Studio painting and Fig. Palace of culture CTZ. By profes. skills, which acquired the Studio in tech. 4 years, the Studio CTZ compared with the University. During the period B. in the Studio (1946-62) studied 3600 people, their forces had carried out approx. 60 exhibitions; on the 1st (1954) and 2nd (1961) proceedings of all-Union. exhibitions in Moscow, the Studio has received awards and gifts. OK. 60 students enrolled in the higher arts. educational institutions and became profes. artists. B. created his own, concentric. method of teaching: when the learning model was complicated and enriched every year of training students. Passion PED. worker-STU occupied almost all the time artist on his own. creativity was little. Nevertheless, B. has participated in exhibitions in Leningrad, Moscow, People. To Led. Otech. war work of the artist in historical and roar. the theme, portraits of the leaders of the revolution were in the Smolny, in Leningrad. University, in the military.-Mor. Uch-school them. M. Frunze, in Entirely. the Museum of Leningrad; books were published, R. his Fig.

(author G. S. Trifonova)

Lit.: G I n g e R. new artist / V. ginger, Gray, S. Blazevic // Zori (Leningrad). 1924. No. 9; V. Shakhovskoy On a date with Venus // the Council. Union. 1962. No. 1; Artists of the USSR: Mobiblog. words. In 6 T. T. 1. M., 1970.; Fomin P. Y. He lived for others // Fomin P. J. friends and comrades: Zap. sculptor. H, 1989; Trifonova G. S. Blazhevich Seliverst E. // Calendar of memorable dates, 1998. Chelyabinsk oblast. H, 1998.