Schedule. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.
(1912, Rostov-on-don – 1985, Moscow)
Honored worker of culture of the USSR.
In 1931 he graduated from the Rostov art and industrial College (professors A. Chinenov, E. Steinberg, A. Black).
During the great Patriotic war was the commander of the communications platoon. In 1947 he Joined the Communist party of the Soviet Union. For a long time he taught at the Gorky military-political Academy im. Frunze.
In 1955 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists. Painter, cartoonist, book Illustrator of Russian classics ("Anna Karenina" by L. N. Tolstoy, "the Prince and the pauper" by M. TWAIN).
Personal exhibition was held in Moscow in 1968
Works were bought by the State Museum of L. N. Tolstoy, the Military historical Museum of artillery, ground forces and communications, art Museum of the Latvian Soviet Union.