Mikhailovich Panfilov

Russia • 1924−2009

Biographie et informations

Honored artist of Russia

Born in 1924 in the city of Zvenigorod. In 1937, engaged in the art Studio of the pioneer Bauman, teach. M. A. Slavnov, Ruzi. In 1950 he graduated from Moscow art. school "Memory 1905" the teacher. V. N. Baksheev and S. G. Grigoriev. In 1956 he graduated from Moscow GOV't. khudozh. Institute. V. I. Surikov, faculty of Korolev, G. G., Fry, P. V. Thesis "of 28 heroes of Panfilov". In 1951 recommended to the Art Fund of the Moscow regional organization. A member of the artists Union of the USSR since 1962 he was Elected to the Board of the regional CX. Participant of Moscow, regional and foreign (France, Italy, Turkey) exhibitions. Genre: portrait, landscape, genre paintings. Works are in private collections in our country and abroad (South Korea).

(Source: website of the Moscow Union of artists)

The work of V. M. Panfilova is well known to the audience. At numerous exhibitions were exhibited thematic paintings, portraits, landscapes of the artist, showing his inexhaustible interest in life, to others, poetic vision of nature.

V. M. Panfilov was born on 23 November 1924 in the Moscow region town of Zvenigorod. The love of art originated from his early years. His family were jewelers who are popularly called "the goldsmith", and grandfather of the artist was engaged in painting of wooden furniture. While in high school, he begins to draw at Bauman House of pioneers of Moscow lecturer M. A. Slavnov.

At the end of the seven-year school in 1940 Panfilov went to school trade schools, but the dream of becoming an artist never left him. Working in a factory, he is engaged in Studio of the all.

The great Patriotic war for a long time off from school V. Panfilov. He works at an aircraft factory from the beginning of the war until the end. In 1945 he entered the Moscow regional art school "Memory 1905". I studied with the wonderful Russian landscape painter V. N. Baksheev – the bearer of the traditions of realistic landscape. Successfully graduated from College in 1950, after completing his studies in a diploma painting "At the headquarters of V. I. Chapaeva". In the same 1950 entered the Moscow state Institute. V. I. Surikov.

Studied with teachers Malkov P. V., Korolev, G. G., Then in the Studio of Professor V. P. Efanova. The study comes to an end. Choose a theme for your diploma.

All this time the great feat of the Soviet people in the war were deeply stirred by V. Panfilov, which is why the topic of his thesis he chose an event that marked the beginning of the defeat of fascism. A student on the fighting Panfilov division near Moscow, at the junction Dubosekovo, finally approved the artist to choose the theme. Models for the painting served as soldiers of one of military units located in the suburbs.

The command of the division in every way went to meet the young artist in gathering material for future paintings.

The painting "On the outskirts of Moscow" became the embodiment of thoughts and feelings, living in the heart of the artist. It is with a great sense talks about the heroism of the defenders of Moscow.

After graduation in 1956, Panfilov rents space for creative work at a vocational school.

Life itself led the artist again in the world that is familiar and close to him. In the anniversary exhibition 1957, it involved painting "At the bench". Picture written material, now, to say the completed forms.

To the Moscow regional exhibition, 1960 V. Panfilov wrote a series of portraits of artisans, "Portrait of a schoolgirl" and landscape "a hot day". The freshness of these works drew the attention of the creative team and the regional exhibition. These paintings were awarded the diploma of the first degree.

In 1964, in preparation for the zonal exhibition "In unison" for several months, the artist worked at the heavy engineering plant in Elektrostal, gathering material for future works. Did a lot of drawings and sketches from nature.

Panfilov watched various workers, identifying each personal quality, made for themselves a selection of the most characteristic features of each of them. At the zonal exhibition was a portrait of "Tanecnica". More fruitful was a visit to the plant in 1968, then was painted the portraits of Turner K. F. Stepanova, the milling machine operator E. J. Demina, welder, A. G. Zhuravleva, steelworker P. I. abashkina etc. As a result of the artist's work at the factory was the creation of the portrait of the Hero of Socialist labor L. A. Dyachenko. This portrait-painting is a monumental decision.

In 1969 V. Panfilov went to work in collective farm "Forest glade".

One of the significant works produced in this farm were, a companion portrait milkmaids Heroes of Socialist labor N. In. Avdeeva and A. K. Svistunova. On the canvas the artist managed to convey the difference of their character, specificity of perception of the surrounding world. Here were written portrait of Sergei Zorina, a young milkmaid.

In 1972 V. Panfilov starts to work in research center in Pushchino on the Oka river as part of the creative brigade "Science". The artist says: "When I was driving to work in Pushchino, for myself decided that I will paint portraits. These people are immediately attracted me to be among them great joy".

Worked on portraits of the physicist V. Wozniak, E. A. Akulova. Great response, held in 1974 in Ivanovo IV zone exhibition was "the Portrait of Yuri Locust" and "the Technician". Great place in the works of V. Panfilov occupy landscapes. Mother nature has always been close to the heart of the artist, it never ceases to excite it, and therefore so many souls he gives to his landscapes.

Multifaceted and clearly the work of V. Panfilov. Interest to the most diverse life phenomena to people and the world around them embodied in their works filled with deep artistic and ideological content.

(Author of text: Executive Secretary MOSHA V. gamayunova)