Valerievich Rusenko

Russia • 出生于 1972


Born in 1972 in the city of Kovel, Ukraine. In 1989 - 94. studying at the Moscow art school "Memory 1905". In 2000 he graduated from Moscow GOV't. khudozh. Institute. V. I. Surikov, the workshop of N. And. Andronov - P. F. Nikonov. In 1999, internship at the Stuttgart Academy of fine arts (Germany). Member of the Ministry of agriculture. Since 1995 participation in the Moscow, all-Russian, international (Germany, USA, Bulgaria, Belgium, Peru, Chile, Austria) exhibitions. Works are in Arkhangelsk art Museum, the Tula Museum of fine arts, in the collection of the "Gorbachev Foundation", "HUPO-Bank" in private collections of Russia, Germany, USA, Italy.


2004 - "Artists Of Moscow". Tver 20.

2004 - "LIBR-ART", international ART salon, Libramont, Belgium.

2004 - "Space" , Russian cultural center, Berlin.

2004 - "Sport 2012", Central house of artists.

2004 - "color Space" Yulia and Eduard Rusenko, CHA.

2004 - "Exhibition of Russian Museum collections. (income 2003)". Kuznetsky most 11.

2003 - "the Sixties and their modern development in art, a project in the framework of ART-TSDKH, the Central house of artists.

2003 - Gallery "REG-TIME", Salzburg, Austria.

2003 - "LIBR-ART", international ART salon, Libramont, Belgium.

2003 - "Moskauer Tage um Berlin", Berlin.

2003 - "San Piere", Brussels, Belgium.

2003 - "Music pages" together with D. Bokareva. Cultural center .

2002 - Exhibition of young artists, Lima, Peru; Santiago de Chile, Chile.

2002 - "ART-MANEZH 2002", Large arena.

2002 - exhibition dedicated to the 70-th anniversary of Moscow Union of artists, Central house of artists.

2002 - "LIBR-ART", international ART salon, Libramont, Belgium.

2002 - "World of painting", Central house of artists.

2001 - "Game faces", Central House of Artists.

2001 - Joint with G. Apakidze, gallery "ARTE-VITA-STYLE".

2001 - Christmas exhibition, gallery "na Kashirke".

2001 - "Moscow-Sofia", Russian cultural center, Sofia.

2001 - "Moscow through young eyes", Exhibition hall on Solyanka.

2001 - "LIBR-ART", international ART salon, Libramont, Belgium.

2001 - "100 works of Moscow" Exhibition hall "Khodynka".

2001 - all-Russian exhibition of young artists, Central House of Artists.

2001 - Charitable exhibition of the Gorbachev Foundation, the Museum of modern art.

2000 - First exhibition of the "FULL GROWTH", the Central House of Journalists.

2000 - exhibition of the creative Association "FULL GROWTH", the international Art Fund.

2000 - Youth exhibition, exhibition hall of Moscow, Kuznetsk bridge, 11.

2000 - "Reflection" Association "FULL GROWTH", Central House of Artists.

2000 - Exhibition dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the MOSS of Memory of 1905, Malyi Manege.

2000 - "your Name", all-Russian exhibition, Central House of Artists.

2000 - Auction of painting "Fine Arts Wholesalers", Los Angeles, USA.

1999 - exhibition of young artists, exhibition hall of Moscow, Kuznetsk bridge, 11.

1999 - Autumn exhibition of the monumental section of the Moscow Union.

1999 - Exhibition of foreign students, Academy of arts, Stuttgart, Germany.

1999 - Hupo-Bank "TIFF-GARAGE", Stuttgart, Germany.

1998 - regional exhibition of Moscow, Khimki.

1998 - Exhibition "the Master and young masters", N. Andronov, Yu and young artists, Central House of Art Workers.

1998 - Youth exhibition, exhibition hall of Moscow, Kuznetsk bridge, 11.

1997 - Personal exhibition "Northern Russia", Cultural center "Moscow" with assistance of Committee on Affairs of youth of Moscow region.

1997 - regional exhibition of Moscow, Khimki.

1996 - "Northern studies", Puchuga with the assistance of the Foundation. University.

1996 - exhibition of young artists, exhibition hall of Moscow, Kuznetsk bridge, 11.

1995 - Exhibition dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the MOSS of Memory of 1905, the Academy of arts of Russia.

(Source: website of the Moscow Union of artists)

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