Ilinichna Selvinskaya

Russia • 出生于 1927


(R. 3.11.1927, Moscow), painter, scene-count, poet, member. CX USSR (1956), Merited. worker of arts of Russia (1990), laureate of State. St. Russia (1994). In 1938-43 took lessons of painting by R. Falk. Graduated From Moscow. Ms. of arts. school (1946), Moscow. state of the arts. in-t im. V. I. Surikov (1953). In 1966-78 lecturer Mosk. of arts. Uch-schA 1905. From 1974 cooperates with People. theatre of drama and Theatre as an artist-the set designer, the costume designer. With the participation of S. carried out performances in the drama theatre, “Joseph Svejk vs Franz Joseph” B. Ratser, V. Konstantinov, “til” and “a Plague on both your houses” by G. I. Gorin, “Alena Arzamasskaya” K. V. Skvortsova, “the Bourgeois gentleman” by J.-B. Moliere, “Bath” Mayakovsky, “Othello” by William Shakespeare, “Little tragedies” by A. Pushkin, “the Forest” by A. N. Ostrovsky, “Energetic people” by V. M. Shukshin, “Anfisa” L. N. Andreev; in Theatre: “Cinderella” Charles Perrault, “blood wedding” by G. Lorka, “With love no joke” P. Calderon, “Spanish” by M. Lermontov, “the Vaudeville” Chekhov, “the Inspector General” NV. V. Gogol, “Notre Dame Cathedral” Victor Hugo. Together with N. Yuri Orlov participates in the implementation of the project “Chekhov Theatre”: in a single design on a small stage drama theatre plays of “fatherless”, “Uncle Vanya”, “the Cherry orchard”. S. ed. proizv. “Harlequin”, “Pierrot”, “Columbine”, which are on permanent display in youth theatre. Persons. exhibition of the works of S. were held in 1989 (new York); St. 10 – in 1973-98 (Moscow); in 1974, 1997 (Pers.), in Feb. 1999 – persons. exhibition “Theater without theater”, COCH. S. ed. lyric. production, included in SB's verses of different years, including SB. “Dedication”.

T. V. Batova

Vol.: Confrontation. M., 1993; the Face of love. M., 1994; the Missing scene // Autograph. Chelyabinsk Art. 1998. No. 3.

Lit.: Duchina I. Tata... Tatochka... Alyona // Autograph. Chelyabinsk Art. 1998. No. 1; D. Pawelski Male profession // of the Czech Republic. 1999. 3 Mar; Batalova L. the Theater of Tatiana Selvinsky // CHR. 1999. 20 Feb.; Batova, T. the Face of love // CR. 1999. March 3; B. Conceiv behind the scenes // CHR. 1999. 3 Mar.