Sergeevich Theis

Russia • 1900−1981

Biographie et informations

1900, Samara – 1981, Moscow, 1911 theis E. began to visit in Saratov Sunday classes, drawing and watercolor. Then, in 1913 – Bogolyubov drawing school. In 1916, after moving to Tiflis, studied at the art school of O. I. Sleling. At the same time worked as a decorator at the Tiflis Opera theatre under the direction of A. A. Saltzman. In 1921-1929, he studied in VKhUTEMAS at the graphic Department at V. A. Favorsky and I. I. Nivinsky, N. N. Of Kupreyanov, P. Y. Pavlinov, N. And.Piskareva, and since 1923 – P. V. Miturich, who had a decisive influence on the formation of his work. In 1924 participated in the design of the Lenin Mausoleum on the sketches of I. I. Nivinsky. In the years 1934-1939 led the design works in the Polytechnic Museum and agricultural exhibition. Since 1934, beginning teaching: conducts etching and drawing at the Institute of advanced studies at the Moscow Committee of graphic artists in the Museum of fine arts, then taught in the "Vsekohudozhnik" (1938). In 1944 – 1947, has taught at the Moscow architectural Institute in the years 1952-1956 lead figure in MVHPU (b. Stroganov school). In 1934 he began a creative and experimental work in the Studio named after I. I. Nivinsky, 1955-1967 year running it. In 1940 – 1960, received certificates of authorship for the development of new printing methods.