Thesis in the CVC - making performance of "earth", the rating is good. The training took place at the faculty of painting, awarded the title of artist of theatrical paintings.
People's artist of the Byelorussian SSR, Honored art worker of the RSFSR, honored art worker of the Lithuanian SSR, Honored art worker of the Tajik SSR, laureate of the State prize of the USSR.
Eugene G. Chemodurov never sought the easy ways, often made the decisions, others seemed totally unjustified and incomprehensible. So, being the best student of E. Lanceray in the Academy of fine arts and paint a picture of the "Stepan Razin", after which all predicted him the future of the eminent historical painter, Chemodurov requests to translate it into theatrical-decorative Department; after successful completion of the Academy of arts he was invited to work many theaters of Leningrad, a film Studio "Lenfilm", but the artist chooses drama theater in Dushanbe, but when already Mature master Chemodurov worked in Moscow together with the Director Okhlopkova on the design of the play "Thunderstorm", it is completely abandoned already adopted and strongly supported by the arts Council of sketches and redid the whole design of the performance again, radically changing the structure of imagery scenery. The ability not to go on about, but to be master of his destiny, to abandon the prosperity, tranquility for the sake of new creative achievements, not resting on his laurels - these high quality inherent in the artist in full.
Fate Eugenii Chemodurov started the same as the fate of many artists of his generation. A talented boy from Kostroma private art school drew the attention of his teacher N. P.Shleina and get him a state scholarship because the parents are not been able to pay for his training; he later advised him to continue his artistic education. In 1932 Chemodurov entered the Leningrad Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture at the Russian Academy of arts. His teachers, except for E. Lansere, was M. P. Bobyshov, A. P. Ostroumova-Lebedeva, K. I. Rudakov is the greatest Soviet artists. The extraordinary diligence and curiosity contributed to the success of Eugene - he paints everywhere, not parted with the album. Books and history - passion, which had a lot of time, but mostly for the student of the Academy of arts was the theater. He does not miss a single new play, especially loves Opera. In the years of study Chemodurov working in the Pushkin theater, where he was instructed extremely interesting for a young artist's work - he restored the scenery Golovin "Masquerade" .Lermontov was issued based on sketches of K. S. Petrov-Vodkin the play "Crazy day or the Marriage of Figaro" Beaumarchais.
In 1938, upon graduation, Eugene Chemodurov went to Dushanbe, working in the drama Theatre. A. Lahuti, which at that time was not yet skilled decorator and it was possible to put himself, not only to write sketches. There was a lot. Play out the play, posed as the Tajik plays, and plays of the classical repertoire, Soviet and Russian writers. In order to set a national drama, had to know life, nature, architecture Republic. Chemodurov travels a lot in Central Asia, studying the literature, legends, crafts, architecture. His work in Dushanbe was estimated at the Decade of Tajik art in Moscow. The artist was awarded the order "badge of Honor".
Chemodurovo always wanted to make Opera performances, and when he was invited to go to the Theatre of Opera and ballet. S. Ayni, he gladly accepted the offer. First job here was the design of the Opera A. Lensky "Tahir and Zuhra" (1944). A great legend of love and fidelity inspired the artist, he is relying on ancient Iranian miniature, created the original national character of the scenery, composition and the expressive coloristic polyphonic. In a short time from 1944 to 1951 Chemodurov designed many Opera and ballet performances. In 1951, Eugene G., invited the chief artist at the Moscow drama theater. V. Mayakovsky. Work with the Director N.P.Okhlopkova, which Chemodurov loved much gave for creative growth of the artist. Their joint preparation of the play "Thunderstorm" by A. Ostrovsky. Who wanted to destroy the planar static back, to make sense of air environment, dynamic, expressive solutions.
From 1959 to the present day, Eugene G. Chemodurov - the chief artist of the Belarusian state order of Lenin academic Bolshoi theater of Opera and ballet. This is a famous theater with a stable tradition in which he worked for many renowned artists and Directors. Many performances in this theatre designed Chemodurov. Some of them after some time recovered, was again introduced into the repertoire; the same pieces that were on the scene, the artist has designed in other theatres. But never Chemodurov did not repeat sets, always re-inventing the whole show, found a completely new solution. This restlessness, inexhaustible is the evidence of high professional skill and talent.
Chemodurovo not once had to arrange performances in the theatres of the different countries. In 1953 he draws "Aida" Dzh. Verdi at the Romanian state Opera and ballet theatre - it was the first staging of the Soviet foreign classics artist abroad. In 1975 in the famous Teatro colón in Buenos Aires in the scenery Eugenii Chemodurov was staged "Boris Godunov" by M. Mussorgsky. The difficulty lay in the fact that the hall of the colon theatre has a capacity of 4.5 thousand spectators. Chemodurov has built a monumental, colorful scenery. The main expressive element in them was the old Russian architecture - a white stone assumption Cathedral with the Golden domes against the blue skies of Moscow.
The ability to use the design features of the new stage - one of the parties of the skill of the artist. For example, the traditional festival of Szeged (Hungary) all performances are held under the open sky on the background of a Gothic Cathedral, this Cathedral has become the main expressive element of the design of the ballet "Swan lake", Chemodurov added a large disk of aluminum, depicting the moon and lit with a spotlight - a common romantic-fairy-tale tone of the play was found.
Yevgeny Grigoryevich always helps in the creation of scenery knowledge of the art world - in Aida he uses the motif of the ancient Egyptian reliefs, "Rustam and Suhrab" - Persian miniatures, Russian iconography in "Boris Godunov" and "Golden Cockerel", "Giselle" is based on French engravings of the XVIII century, and "Queen of spades" - etchings of Zubov.
"In his work Chemodurov develops the best traditions of Russian theatrical painting. A great inventor and inventor, he always brings something new, original, and inherent in his talent. He belongs to those artists, like Dmitriev, Williams, Petritsky, Khodasevich and others, can be called artists-playwrights. Making plays, Chemodurov committed to figurative to identify its contents, to the disclosure of drama. For this purpose, he skillfully uses composition, pattern and color, and light", wrote about him in the famous ballet-master N. Zakharov.
Used materials article E. Romanenko in the book: 1989. A hundred anniversaries. Art calendar. Annual illustrated edition. M. 1988.
Carnac P. A. Eugene Chemodurov Minsk, 1984