Anfimovich Shcherbinovsky

Russia • 1867−1926

Biografia e informazioni

(January 1, 1867, Petrovsk Saratov province. - 27 Nov 1926)

Born at the household level (or transformed from a foreign language) Maxim: "Who is able to work, who are able to work - teaches how to work" - of course, has many exceptions. The activities of Dmitri Anfimovich scherbinovskiy - example. His life he devoted to the training of young talents, although, according to everyone familiar with the talent of the young artist, he eventually could get wonderful and very strong master.

It is thought that V. Polenov, when reviewing independent work of the young lawyer, urged him to enter the Academy of arts. Outstanding teacher Chistyakov and outstanding artist I. Repin was allocated a talented pupil D. shcherbinovsky amongst their students. And paintings confirm these high opinions. After graduating from the Academy as a pensioner in Paris D. shcherbinovsky, or pass through the work of the Impressionists, becoming the author of his original paintings. His paintings are subtle shades of States of nature and man, they filled with sun, light, quiet lyricism. Becoming a teacher figure class at the Stroganov school, he developed his system of teaching students drawing. Dozens of artists with exceptional reverence remember his teacher, strongly introduces the excellence of academic drawing with a mandatory practice quick sketches.

As for the statement "Who knows...", then perhaps there are no scales that allow to differentiate the degree of talent a great employee and a great teacher. A normal society needs both those, and others.

Dmitri Anfimovich Scherbinovskiy fell the hard lot of those who have ever given to artists. His talent emerged early, at some point, he a capable student, caressed by eminent teachers, not able once again to surprise their fans. The frustration was as strong as preceding the rapture, followed by complete oblivion of the painter.

Mitenka scherbinovskiy was born in the small town of Petrovsk, Saratov province in 1867. From an early age he was attracted by painting. Enrolled in 1885 at the law faculty of Moscow University, he immediately became acquainted with leading artists, attracting them with his erudition, wit, and bold Outlook on art. Even then, the future artist became close with A. E. Arkhipov, SV. Ivanov, K. A. Korovin, A. Vasnetsov, and young, I. E. Grabar, who later will say that this meeting was decisive in his choice of profession. It doted V. I. Surikov, V. D. Polenov, who was then the most popular figures on the Moscow art scene. Shcherbinovskiy was a frequent guest on Polenov's drawing. It logs instilled in the young artist a love for Western art, significantly influenced the addition of his artistic language, and forced after graduation to go to Petersburg Academy of arts.

Enrolling in the Academy, scherbinovskiy becomes everyone's favorite and most brilliant student of the 1890's. He was particularly distinguished by p. P. Chistyakov, whose budding artist learned in the smallest detail, and later very successfully used in their teaching activities. Soon the young painter was transferred to the workshop of I. E. Repin, as well as among students. And after completing his studies he went to Paris, "naputstvuya universal blagozhelatelnom", as he wrote in his memoirs, Igor Grabar. In 1897-1900 works at the Academy R. Julien. No doubt that he has a bright future. But from a trip the artist has not brought anything that would be better done them before. Shcherbinovskiy still wrote sweeping impulsive stroke in the impressionist manner, his Parisian sketches were as Sunny and colorful as those he brought in his student years from his home and Petrovsk Saratov. However, what was bold in the 1880-ies, in the early 1900s was a closed Chapter. After the exhibition, 1902, greatly disappointing the admirers of his talent, he practically ceases to exhibit and devotes himself to pedagogical activities. Shcherbinovskiy taught at the school-workshop of M. K. Tenisheva, at the Stroganov school in Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture, since 1918 - the State free art studios, and nearly 30 years of his service he raised a whole galaxy of fine artists. Among them are V. G. Yakovlev, A. V. Shevchenko, and B. D. Grigoriev thanks vspominali the master's lessons.

And even in these years, Dmitri Anfimovich continues to create. In painting he is guided by the experience of their French idols - sh.-F. Daubigny, C. Troyon, L. Loire. His later work continues to be characterized by a subtle taste, a brilliant understanding of color, courage and freedom of manners. Shcherbinovskiy was a beautiful draftsman, intelligent and observant; his drawings and illustrations are made precise by a moving line, podmechayut the slightest nuances of poses and characters. Until the end of his life he believed that his work will ever appreciate. And only posthumous exhibition, revealing only part of the heritage of the artist, in the new world discovered his outstanding talent. Now the work of D. A. shcherbinovsky are kept in many Russian museums, including the Tretyakov gallery, in art museums of Kaluga, Omsk, the House-Museum of Pavel Chistyakov, the Museum-reserve of V. D. Polenov.

(the author - I. A. Kalabukhova, news Radischevskaya Museum)