Ivanovich Pashkov

Russia • 出生于 1920


He was born at station Borovenka Novgorod region. In 1935-1938 he studied at the Leningrad art College in 1938-1939 - in Palekh art school. Teacher - D. N. Butorin, I. V. Markichev, A. V. Kotuhin. He worked in the Association of Palekh artists. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Engaged in design of books. Themes of works: folklore, literature. Participant of exhibitions since 1955. Work, E. I., Pashkova are in museums: gmpi, Ivanovo OC, GMAN, Russian Museum of A. S. Pushkin "Moika-12", the Museum of the Pushkin House.