Fedorovich Shchedrin

Russia • 1751−1825

Brother Seeds Shchedrin. Studied in the Petersburg AX (1764-73) H. F. Gillet (retired AX in Florence and Rome in 1773-75, and in Paris, 1775-85). Academician (1794). He taught at the St. Petersburg AX (1794; in 1818 rector). Starting with the work connected with Baroque traditions (performed rapid dynamics figure "Marsyas", plaster, 1776, N.-I. AX Museum of the USSR, Leningrad), Shchedrin to the con. 1770s became one of the greatest masters of sculpture Rus. classicism. For heavy production. Shchedrin typical classical clarity of images, the grace and delicacy of shading ("Sleeping Endymion", bronze, 1779, "Venus" marble, 1792, both in the Rus. the Museum, Leningrad). Master of monumental decorative laminates, Shchedrin, achieved the organic relationship of decorative and figurative substantial beginnings, a true synthesis of the arts that is particularly evident in the heroic and the sublime, imbued with citizenship. the pathos of the sculptural decoration of the Admiralty in St. Petersburg (the figures on the colonnade center, the tower, three figures on the attic, two groups of "Sea nymphs", limestone, 1812-13, etc.). Also completed a number of portraits: H. I. Panina (bas-relief, marble, 1794, ist. Museum, Moscow), A. A. Nartov (marble, 1811, eng. Museum, Leningrad). (Lit.: Kaganovich,. Shchedrin, M., 1953.)

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