Stepanovna Borozdina-Stromilina

Russia • 1813−1894


Love my Borozdna Strumilin had outstanding teachers — V. A. Tropinin, who has mastered the basics of artistic skill in Moscow, and K. P. Briullov, classes to which the budding artist arrived in Rome. The success of Anna borozdna Is Stramilano relate primarily to her work on the portraits: "Dr. G. J. Vysotsky," "the Girl at the window", "a Peasant in a fur cap", "A. F. Gamson", "Artist K. Rabus", "Portrait of sister M. C. Stramilano". Interesting history of the last portrait. For a long time it was believed that this portrait belongs to the brush K. Briullov, depicting his student-artist — L. S. Strumilin. Justice is only highlighted great talent Lyubov Stepanovna — her work was accepted for the creation of "the Great Karl". The artist's work is represented in many museums around the country (most fully in the State Tretyakov gallery) and in the collections of private individuals. of V. A. Tropinin is a portrait, which for us inquisitive looks of young L. Borozdina, preparing to defend women's right to ownership to the art.