Ivanovich Parkhomenko

Russia • 1911−1987


Nar. hood. Of the RSFSR (1974). Member of the CPSU(b) since 1944. Graduated From Moscow. hood. Uch-school them.1905 (1934). From 1936 to the movies, worked at K-art "Mosfilm". Participated in the formulation of the hood. K.-f. "The magic grain" (1942), "the Fall of Berlin" (1950, with V. Kaplunovsky), "knight of the Golden Star" (1951), "Romeo and Juliet" (1955), "Shield and sword" (1968), "Running" (1971), "the Legend about tile" (1977), "the facts of the last day" (1981), etc. Winner of St. St. (1950, 1952).

People's artist of the RSFSR (1974). State prize of the USSR (1950 — for participation in the film "Fall of Berlin", jointly with V. Kaplunovsky; 1952 — "knight of the Golden Star"). He graduated from the Moscow artistic-pedagogical College. 1905 (1934). In films from 1936, the first independent work — in the film "the Magic grain" (1941). One of his best works as an art Director on such films as "Murder on Dante street", "Running", "Shield and sword", "the Legend about tile".

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