Born in the village of Relatino Babushkinsky district, Vologda region, since 1958, lives in St. Petersburg. Graduated from the Leningrad art and graphic school and the Moscow polygraphic Institute. Since 1963 he worked at the Leningrad Institute of design (VNIITE LF), completed over 200 design projects, has 38 patents. A lot of work in the field of applied and book graphics. Participant of exhibitions in Leningrad, Moscow, Stuttgart, Zagreb, Bombay, Budapest. He was the chief artist of the Theatre Museum in St. Petersburg. They performed the signature graphical style of the St. Petersburg metro, the State Hermitage orchestra. Andreev created illustrations for several books, posters, billboards, and catalogs. Askold Kuzminskiy is a frequent guest Gryazovetskiy of the earth, devotes his paintings and drawings.
He died in 2005. Buried at the Bolsheokhtinsky cemetery.