Denisovna Minkova

Russia • 1923−2006


Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

60 years of creative activity

“The art of the sculptor is always addressed to the human heart as the source”—liked to repeat to his disciples Ekaterina Fyodorovna Belashova—people's artist of the USSR— “Study in sculpture compositional order, clear consistency and no false showiness!” These words became the motto for a lifetime for the young students of Shymkent, the charming Olenka Minkowki, who was born August 5, 1923 and started their difficult journey in art in the workshop of this famous master.

Only boundless love of art has allowed to decide on such a thing— to leave the Institute of architecture and immediately after world war II, a party which she was to enter the sculpture Department of the Moscow Institute of applied and decorative arts. One could hardly believe that this little, fragile girl would be able to cope with complex sculptural ammunition—high machines, stacks firewood “trojanki” will knead the clay, designing wireframes, process blocks of marble and granite.

But Olga Denisovna min'kova, having passed a good school of sculptural skill, gradually from job to job and managed to create his own plastic world, find your way to the heart of the viewer. She became a member of the Union of artists, participant of many regional, Republican and all-Union exhibitions. Her works were awarded with diplomas, prizes of the Ministry of culture and the Union of artists of the USSR, reproduced in special editions. Her work of the sculptor awarded the order “badge of Honor” and numerous certificates. She is the Honored artist of the Crimea.

O. D. min'kova artist of great creative range. It equally successfully worked in the field of monumental-decorative and easel sculpture, created a theme song and a gallery of portraits of his contemporaries.

Different materials obedient to her: plaster and wood, marble, copper, aluminum, new material silumin in the hands of a master grow in plastically finished clear of the work.

“Yes, to be a sculptor, tricky, hard—said Olga Denisovna—a female sculptor—twice. Constantly to overcome the resistance of the material to constantly step over yesterday's failures and again to go “prospecting”, looking for a new way to each piece. Such is the fate of all artists.”

Through all the work of the sculptor are the images of childhood, adolescence, motherhood. Leading, painful topic begins with “Kyrgyz boy”, made almost fifty years ago with a special plastic expressiveness soft flowing forms.

Actually, I should say, all things Olga Denisovna bribe chaste clarity, freshness and simplicity. His portraits, honest and simple plastic language, restrained in expression of feelings, O. D. min'kova always stood out at the shows.

Over sixty years of creative ways, much has been done by the sculptor. In the distant Kyrgyzstan in Moscow and Sevastopol, Gurzuf in the village of Tobacco, in many museums of the country, on the streets and squares, and now DOSTS “Laspi” brought her work to the audience. They organically come into the life of people, close and understandable to those for which they were created.

In recent years, the creativity of Olga Denisovna were fascinated by ceramics, more from lack of demand. And doing it enthusiastically. “That in this life not to harden my heart,”she said. Therefore, in the sculptor's Studio, along with portraits, sketches and models of monuments to the end of life master 12 may 2006 appeared the chamber of the product, warmed by the warmth of her hands, her soul. “One sees clearly only with the heart, the most important is invisible to the eye”—these words of A. Saint-exupéry call us to be attentive to the different manifestations of talent. And in her decorative plates, beads, earrings, medallions, pendants, bowls, in General, all forms of sculptural miniatures, or in a significant monumental works, portraits manifest talent, sincerity, openness. And each work is significant. You just want to stand and keep silent in the halls of the Sevastopol Museum of art from the sculptural composition O. D. Minikowo the “Separation” or on the promenade at the bust Miklucho-Maclay, in Kamyshovaya Bay at the monument to Blucher, to reflect on the complex, looking like a pearl shell, just the artist ceramic plaque.

In all the works of Olga Denisovna Minikowo source of warmth and kindness, which she generously gave to the people.

A list of the main works of the sculptor MINIKOWO Olga Denisovna

1. "The old MAN"--the plaster tone., 75х55х40, 1948, student work, Foundation

Moscow Institute of applied and decorative arts.

2. "Small-scale cotton farmer"gypsum--tone., 155х55х32, 1951, Leningrad, Museum

Higher art and industrial school im. V. I. Mukhina.

3. "ELIK" (mountain goat)--wood, 60х32х24, 1951, Moscow, State Museum of art of peoples of the East.

4. "UNFORTUNATE CASE"--tree 64х66х60, 1953, Frunze, Pushkin State Museum of fine arts.

5. "YOUTH" /diptych/ decorative figures boys and girls--concrete tone., marble chips, 250х70х123, 1953-1954., Frunze , the State theatre of Opera and ballet.

6. "Portrait of a KIRGHIZ BOY"--marble, granite, 66х37х24, 1955, Frunze, Pushkin State Museum of fine arts. Awarded a diploma of the Ministry of culture of the USSR all-Union art exhibition "40 years VLKSM". Published postcard with the image of "Portrait of a Kirghiz boy."

7. "JULIA" (girl)--marble, 44х37х24, 1958, Museum of heroic defense and liberation of Sevastopol.

8. "SEPARATION"--grog, wood (walnut), 47х54х41, 1968, the Sevastopol art Museum. M. P. Kroshitskiy.

9. "CATHERINE"--a plaster tone., 99х49х55, 1961, Museum of heroic defense and liberation of Sevastopol.

10. The BUST of POET A. TOKOMBAEV-tree (Karagach), 68х50х43, 1957, Frunze, State art Museum.

11 BUST of A. S. PUSHKIN--concrete, marble chips, 148х110х80, 1962, Crimea, Gurzuf sanatorium of the Ministry of defence.

12. "A GRIEVING MOTHER WITH a CHILD"--Alma limestone, 420х140х185, 1967, Bakhchisaray p-n, p Red poppy.

13. A BUST of MIKLOUHO-MACLAY--marble, granite, 96х60х53, Sevastopol, Instinet of biology of southern seas of NAS of Ukraine.

14. BUST N.To. BLUCHER--pink granite, 135х75х66, 1973, Sebastopol, Reed Bay, the square. N. To. Blucher.

15. PORTRAIT OF HERO OF THE SOVIET UNION N. ONILOVOY--marble, 57х45х34, 1973, Museum of heroic defense and liberation of Sevastopol.

16. PORTRAIT of the HONOURABLE CITIZEN of SEVASTOPOL A. A. SARINA--marble, 57х48х37, 1979, Museum of heroic defense and liberation of Sevastopol.

17. BUST of GENERAL I. E. PETROV--marble, granite, 126х65х60, 1989, Sevastopol, Inkerman, the boarding school named. I. E. Petrov.

18. "SORROW" /the monument to villagers who died during the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945/--red granite, 160х145х80, 1979-1980, Crimea, Bakhchisaray, p-n, with. Tobacco.

19. "SORROW"--fireclay tone., 50х60х32, 1984, Museum of heroic defense and liberation of Sevastopol.

20. "Defenders of SEVASTOPOL"--a marble, 128х66х84, 1983, the Sevastopol naval Institute. P. S. Nakhimov.

21. MEMORIAL PLAQUE to T. D. ZAKHAROV (commander of the 2nd Guards army)--pink granite /relief/, 95х55х8, 1976, Sevastopol, square. T. D. Zakharov.

22. A PLAQUE hero of the SOVIET UNION I. D. VASILIEV (Lieutenant-General of tank troops) - the casting of silumin /relief/, 75х50х8, 1975, Crimea, Armyansk, Titan plant.

23. PORTRAIT of HERO of the SOVIET UNION S. NEUSTROEVA A. gypsum--tone., 98х40х37, 1984, Museum of heroic defense and liberation of Sevastopol.

24. COMMEMORATIVE MEDAL "PETER I"--ceramics, 12x12, 1996, Museum of heroic defense and liberation of Sevastopol.

25. Commemorative medal "P. S. Nahimov"--ceramics, 12x12, 1996, Museum of heroic defense and liberation of Sevastopol.

26. "REMEMBRANCE" (a portrait of V. B. Skuridina, Professor of the Moscow art Institute. V. I. Surikov) - gypsum ton., 57х50х45, 1989, the Sevastopol art Museum. M. P. Kroshitskiy.


WOOLOOWIN S. B.--"Fine arts of the Kirghiz SSR." Album For the 40th anniversary of the Soviet power/.

Moscow, publishing house "Soviet artist", 1957

0 min'kova.D.--"Kyrgyz boy." Card.

Moscow, publishing house "Soviet artist", 1958

ABOLINA R. I.--"Sculpture". Album.

"All-Union Art exhibition dedicated to the great October revolution".

Moscow, publishing house "Soviet artist", 1959

--"The sculptor's first astronaut".

W-L. "Radyans'ka Inca" N5, 1961

KONDRATENKO, L. I. - "Gurzuf". Guide.

Simferopol, publishing house "Tavriya", 1970

--"History of the towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR, Crimean oblast".

Kharkov, the main office of US.Uh.USSR, 1974

D. A. BRUDNYI--"Monuments of Sevastopol". Photo album.

Kiev, publishing house "mistetstvo", 1982

POPOVA R. I.--"Portrait of a hero town Sevastopol".

Kiev, W-l "Obrazotvorche art", 1984

DRAGO, I. B.--Sevastopol Yaroslavna".

Kiev, publishing house "Ukraina Musica", 1986

MATICEVSKI N., PODGORA V.--"a Trip to the Crimea".

Kiev, publishing house "mistetstvo Obrazotvorche" N26, 1997

REFERENCE--"the Spirit personality of the eternal...". 500 personalities of the Crimea 2000/2001.

Simferopol, special edition "Crimean anthology", 2000


The Museum of heroic defense and liberation of Sevastopol, the publishing house "Business-inform", 2000

More than 30 articles and notes, reproductions of works published

in magazines, Newspapers, Central and regional periodicals

and in the list of the main exhibitions of the sculptor Minikowo Olga Denisovna

1951 - HYIII Republican exhibition of works of Kyrgyz artists

the city of Frunze. Showroom.

1953 - Exhibition of works of artists of Middle Asia and Kazakhstan.

Tashkent. State Museum of fine arts.

1956 all-Union Art exhibition dedicated to the first Congress of artists of the USSR.

Moscow. Academy of fine arts.

1956 - Exhibition of works of Central Asian artists in Warsaw /Poland/.

Poland. Warsaw. Complex "House of friendship".

1957 - all-Union art exhibition "40 years of the Soviet state".

Moscow. Central exhibition hall.

1958 - all-Union art exhibition "40 years VLKSM".

Moscow. Central exhibition hall.

1958 - Exhibition of fine arts of Kyrgyzstan /Decade of literature and

art of the Kirghiz SSR/.

Moscow. Academy of fine arts.

1959 all-Union art exhibition of Soviet portrait.

Moscow. Central exhibition hall.

1961 - national exhibition prisvyacheno 100-rccw s day smart T. G. Shevchenko.

the city of Kiev. Vystavochny hall DJVU.

1961 - Exhibition of one "portrait of Y. A. Gagarin".

Simferopol. Boulevard Of A. S. Pushkin.

1970 - "Artists of Ukraine to the 100th anniversary of birthday of V. I. Lenin."

str. Central exhibition hall.

1972 - exhibition of the Crimean artists in Leningrad.

Leningrad. Showroom.

1974 - exhibition of the Crimean artists,Kecskemet,

Hungary. the city of Kecskemet.

1976 - Exhibition of works by artists of Sevastopol "Heroic

devoted to defenders of Sevastopol".

Sevastopol. Sevastopol Art Museum.

1980 - "Artists of Sevastopol-the hero city Novorossiysk".

G. Novorosisk. Hudozhestvenny Museum of Vereshchagin.

1981 - Republican exhibition "Our Soviet way."

str. Artist's house.

1983 - Republican exhibition "Sevastopol-200 years."

Sevastopol Art Museum.

1987 - Exhibition of artists of Sevastopol, devoted to the city Day.

Sevastopol. Museum of art.

1992. - Exhibition "Artists Of The Crimea".

str. Artist's house.

1994 - exhibition of the works of the Sevastopol artists.

Yalta. Showroom.

1997 - Exhibition of works of the Sevastopol artists from the museums of Crimea.

Sevastopol. Art Museum. M. P. Kroshitskiy.

1998 - Solo exhibition, O. D. Minikowo, dedicated to the 50th anniversary

creativity, in connection with the 75th anniversary.

Sevastopol Art Museum named after M. P. Kroshitskiy.

Italian press (newspaper "UNITA", 1961).