Born in 1963 in Moscow. Studied: 1975-1981 — mshsh them. Surikova. 1981-1987 — Moscow state art Institute im. Surikov (Studio portrait of Professor Glazunov). 1989-1991 — assistantship-internship in MGHI them. Surikova. In 1991 he defended his diploma. Since 1992 member of the Union of artists of Russia. Since 1993 he teaches in Waves, head of the Studio portrait. Individual works have been exhibited at solo exhibitions: 1988 — "the people of the world". The Soviet peace Committee. Moscow. "Images Of India". Embassy of India in the USSR. Moscow. 1989 — Exhibition of portraits in the house of culture AZLK. Moscow. 1990 — Exhibition hall Tushino district of Moscow. Moscow. 1993 — BOOK them. Stroganov. Moscow.