
Russia • né en 1966

Biographie et informations

1966 – born in Baranovichi, Belarus.

1978-1984 Republican school of fine art.

1991 – graduated from the Belarusian theatre and art Institute, Department of monumental-decorative art.

Teachers: Professor Stasevich, I. N., Professor Vaschenko G. H.

Since 1997 – member of Union of artists of Belarus.

Since 2007– member of Bureau of section of painting artists ' Union of Belarus.

Since 1999 – member of the International Guild of painters.

1999-2003 Secretary of the International Guild of painters.



Russia, Moscow, "Central house of artists", gallery "S. ART".

Belarus, Minsk, "the Palace of art".

Belgium, Brussels, gallery "FAYLA".

Moscow, Russia, salon "Art-Manege'98".

Russia, Moscow, "Central house of artists-99", Moscow international art salon.

Belarus, Minsk, "European Humanities University".

Lisbon, Portugal, “EXPO-1998”.

Hannover, Germany, “EXPO-2000”.

Belarus, Minsk, "Museum of modern art."


Norway, Oslo, gallery "RAMFJORD".

Norway, Oslo, gallery "ARCTANDRIA".

Italy, Brescia, gallery "ANTICHITA ELISABETTA".

Belarus, Minsk, "Museum of modern art."

Belarus, Minsk, "The Palace Of The Republic".

Russia, Moscow, gallery "Visit".

Russia, Saint - Petersburg, gallery "national center".

Russia, Moscow, MVK Sokolniki “EQUIROS-2004”.

Russia, Moscow, "Art Service Center" in the Central house of the artist.

Russia, Moscow, "Central house of artists".

Moscow, Russia, salon "Art-Manege'04", "Art-Manege'05", "Art-Manege'06".


Moscow, Russia, salon "Art-Manege'07", "Art-Manege'08", with the participation of the gallery "Visit".

Russia, Moscow, "Art Service Center" in the Central house of the artist

Russia, Moscow, "Central house of artists", with the participation of the gallery Visit

Russia, Moscow, Radisson Hotel

Russia, Moscow, “King's Gallery”

Italy, Brescia, gallery "ANTICHITA ELISABETTA"

Italy, Chiari, Art-centre "Villa Mazzotti".