Vladimirovna Lukyanova

Russia • 1947−2011

Biographie et informations

Painting, graphic design. Born in Berlin (Germany).

Graduated from the Leningrad Higher art-industrial School im. V. I. Mukhina (1968/1973).


Blinkov Alexander Alexandrovich, Wax Joseph A., Giza Marietta Ernestovna, Yegoshin German Pavlovitch, Lindroth Leo.

Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR (Russia) since 1990.

Paintings by the artist T. V. Lukyanova exhibited on city, all-Union and foreign exhibitions.

Since the early seventies in the country issued a very large number of products of industrial graphics project and sketches of the artist Lukyanova. This whole series of chocolate packing, such as "Bear in the North","three", "Vernissage" . This is a prestigious, well-known in the country and abroad, gift candy box "Saint Petersburg","Summer Garden","Nevsky prospect","Zolotaya Niva","Leningrad", and many others. The work done by the artist T. V. Lukyanova repeatedly received awards at International exhibitions of food and industrial products.

Many of the author's work in the field of industrial graphics are stored in the State Russian Museum and State Museum of history of St. Petersburg.

(Material: Nadezhda Yu., "She drew Alenka," the St. Petersburg Courier,- N22 (429), in 2008 .)