Semenovich Vysotsky

Russia • 1864−1938


From 1885 he studied at the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture at V. Makovsky and E. Sorokin, in 1891, he received two silver medals and the title of class artist. He lived in Moscow. Worked like illustator. Participated in exhibitions of the Moscow Association of artists (1895-1916), the Moscow society of lovers of fine arts (1897-1906), the Association of traveling art exhibitions (1908-1918), etc.. the works of Vysotsky were reproduced in magazines "Niva", "Rodina" and others. After 1918 he lived in Latvia. In the 1920-1930-ies held several solo exhibitions in the Riga city Museum. Participated in exhibitions in the UK, Germany, Denmark, USA and Finland.

  • 艺术家协会
  • 教育
  • 老师