
United States • New York City • 1871−1944

American artist, designer and poet, who worked in the art Nouveau style, influenced by art Deco. Unique style of the artist is characterized by bright colors, purposeful naive kind of humor. Decorative and figurative style of the artist's works are often called "feminine," seeing as a kind of alternative to the more graphic and "hard" modernist painting.

Florina was born into a wealthy family of German-Jewish origin. Her father, Joseph Stettheimer (Joseph Stettheimer), was a banker, wealthy and influential German Jew, who was with the family constantly moved from Germany to America, where he had his business. Florina was the fourth of five children of Joseph and Rosetta Walter (Rosetta Walter). The girl had an older brother Walter and older sister Stella and Caroline or Carrie (Caroline Walter Stettheimer, 1869-1944). The youngest was Henrietta, that the house was called ettie (Henrietta Stettheimer, 1875-?). Florina was born in new York, but up to 1883 lived in Germany, where he graduated from elementary school. Around the same time, the banker left the family, the younger kids, the time has not increased. After Walter married, and Stella got married, raising three younger sisters completely laid down on shoulders of mother. Apparently Joseph left abandoned wife a nice "compensation" because Rosetta, as written by biographers, began to lead a epicurean way of life, accustoming him and daughters.

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