Russia • Saint Petersburg • 出生于 1964 • 画家, 收藏家


Year of birth — 1964. Soviet Union Leningrad. June. Nevsky district. The tenth number. Seven hours, fifteen minutes in the morning. Originally from a working class family:
Dad (Anatole) from the village Krestilovo that near Pskov, driver.
Mother ( Valentina) — Leningradka believe - weaver, guard, Elevator operator, fitter ...
Older sister Natalia — a philologist, a school teacher.
Nursery. Kindergarten. School. Choir Studio. The art club, a music school (accordion). With the seventh grade hugging the guitar ( play taught yard bully... )
Poems zakrepili with St. Petersburg of the heavens way, c 1981 (end of school). Grad has more than one thousand and one duchessina: Poems, songs, paintings, drawings, musical and mathematical opus, aphorisms...
1982-2002. Saint-Petersburg University of architecture and construction. Went long, got to the end, but... never diplomicy . ;-)
In parallel with studies, after the fall of the Berlin wall, with varying degrees of success were grazing on the German open spaces as a farcical portrait painter.1983-1985 — Army (God of War!).
Managed to work a molar and an artist of energy, and the Rist and a janitor.. a cinema and guard... Member of the St. Petersburg Association of Free Artists .