Description of the artwork «Spring is coming to the marshes»
"Spring comes to the marshes. Series: Mystic Forest", dry pastel, paper 30x45cm, March 2024, Asiya Konechenkova, Wizmarts
"Once every few hundred millennia, amazing flowers bloomed in the swamps. No one remembered their name. So people called them by their own name, not realizing they were guessing it every time. "Swamp lanterns." Amazing plants, the thin sepal holds several petals, forming an almost perfect sphere. Inside this amazing flower are magical stamens that glow so brightly that they illuminate places forgotten by mankind in the vast reaches of the Mystic Forest. They take a long time to bloom. That's why a man, who looks straight ahead and blindly as usual, has time to notice how the light of these flowers begins to penetrate from the swamps to the forest glades, and then, no, no, no, and a few amazing plants will appear on the hard, or even walked soil. And they will appear in all their glory in the light. That's when the fun and strife begin. Everyone who has seen, and even more so the one who has only remotely heard, begins to talk and speculate about these unique colors. How they appeared, what they mean, what they carry... There are many, very many words. But not much use. After all, the living and reasonable can not think about what truth they tell their birthright. And these flowers carried the message of an ancient and inviolable law. When countless stars within the expanse of the Universe get tired of the endless silent silence, the long Winter ends and time begins to hum, tightening the spiral of its Being. Its run speeds up, then turns into a blink, and when there is no more strength to wait for the end, a new life begins. Spring. Spring comes to the Universe, which will illuminate with new colors and beings the whole material world. The old will be gone, swamps will be overgrown with forests, deserts will turn into seas or vice versa. And then, at this long-awaited moment, in all galaxies and on all planets, wherever there is life, the silence of the marshes spills with mystical color, because flowers rise from the ground that no one has ever seen and no one has ever known. And blossom, blossom, blossom, heralding to the worlds new summers, and to the Universe millennia of a new world and life, to all intelligent beings a multitude of events, and to the stars the sounds of time that will brighten their silence."
From the draft of "Mystic Forest," by Asiya Konechenkova, March 2024
The shape of these colors was born unintentionally. A successful combination of the color of my favorite phthal pencil from the set and a brown pen. The composition with them and the muted golden light formed in my head instantly. I put it down on paper and then started drawing the florets themselves. Maybe later I'll show those sketches here, I didn't have time to photograph them today. I wrote the story about "Swamp Lanterns" for you, dear friends, to immerse you in the atmosphere of the flow of my thoughts about the story and to wrap you in the rays of light that I have displayed on the sheet.