Konstantinovich Klodt

Russia • 1832−1902

In 1851-1858 studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of arts, after which was sent to the pensioner abroad. Worked in Switzerland in the North. France. In 1861, before the end of pensionerstva returned to Russia. In the spring of 1862 was held the wedding of Elizabeth Gavrilovna Vladimirovas. From 1860 to 1870-th a lot of traveling around the country to study native wildlife, persistently and fruitfully works. In 1867, two years after the death of Elizabeth Gavrilovna, Klodt married a second time. A Professor at the Academy of fine arts (1873-1886). Died Mikhail Konstantinovich Klodt 16 (29) may 1902.

An outstanding Russian landscape painter.

Nephew of Peter Karlovich Klodt, an outstanding Russian sculptor, teacher.

In 1851-1858 studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of arts, after which was sent to the pensioner abroad. Worked in Switzerland in the North. France.

In 1861, before the end of pensionerstva returned to Russia. In the same year received the title of academician for the painting "Night view of Normandy" and "view of the river AA".

To study of native nature have made numerous trips to Russia. He worked 60 years in the tradition of the democratic trend in Russian art.

Klodt has created realistic landscapes: "a Great way to fall" (1863), "Evening view in Orel province", which in 1864 received the title of Professor, "the Sunset in Orel province" (1867), etc.

Klodt was a member of the founder of the Association of the Wanderers, a stay which was strengthened in his art is democratic and realistic tendencies, the development of interest in the themes and images of peasant Russia.

For the works of Klodt scrupulous realism, a flawless figure with careful attention to detail, superb craftsmanship promising solutions, austerity and harmony of composition, the ability to "animate" the nature of the human presence. His manner thorough in subjects the foreground and a broader and more generalized in the depiction remote plans and sky with clouds.

The painting "plowing" (1871), presented at the I traveling exhibition, is an involuntary Association with the famous painting by A. G. Venetsianov. However, the image of nature it has acquired unprecedented epic breadth, not only in content but also in expressive means. Elongated horizontal format, reducing the horizon, the rhythm of receding from the viewer of the plowed strips of land enabled the artist to create the impression of a panoramic image with limitless space. The artist managed to subtly convey the feeling of a warm spring day, filled with bright sunlight. And Venetsianova it shares only a sense of joy of farm labor, the prolific generosity of nature.

Other works of Klodt, along with interest in spatial effects, contain attempt in aggregate form to show the uniqueness, originality, beauty of the Russian landscape, always emotionally charged presence of the man (the"Evening view in Orel province", 1874, far Eastern art Museum, Khabarovsk).

In the 70-ies of the 19th century under the influence of creativity of I. I. Shishkin in art Klodt growing epic motives in the interpretation of Russian nature ("Lesnaya dal in the afternoon," 1878, etc.).

In 1879 Klodt broke up with Wanderers after failing to end to accept their negative attitude towards academic art method. After leaving the Partnership, his art was fading.

Since 1873 Klodt taught in the landscape class Academy.

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