Pavlovich Shlein (Schlein)

Russia • 1873−1952

A native of Kostroma, Shlain graduated from the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture at V. A. Serov, and then studied at the Academy of fine arts in the workshop of Vladimir Makovsky, from which he graduated in 1903 with the gold medal and the right to travel abroad as a pensioner of the Academy. Upon returning from abroad, Slain in 1905 in Kostroma opens an art Studio, converted after the revolution in the artistic-pedagogical College, the head of which he was the rest of your life. Work N.P. Slana – portraits, landscapes, genre scenes – are stored in many museums of Russia and the State Museum of Sweden in Stockholm. N. P. Slain died in 1952

Nicholas Shleina born in middle class family November 20, 1873 in a house on Lenin street (former Helen). His father, Pavel Petrovich, having served 15 years in the army, shortly before the birth of his son resigned and was listed as a retired non-commissioned officer of a reserve infantry battalion. Mother Agnes V., a native of County Nerekhta — illiterate and very religious woman. The family of moderate means donate most of his two-storey house for rent and lived mainly on the money received from tenants. The life they were prudent, what with the child and tried to teach his son.

Elementary education Nicholas Shleina received at the private school of E. N. Filipova, then parents sent him to the Realschule. He studied the young man directly. Father even mathematician hired him. However, the art teacher of a secondary school Rafail S. Sorokin said Nikolai ability to fine art. He recommended that father Nicholas to send his son to study in Moscow for the artist. The father wanted his son a different fate, he wanted his son to get financial education to become a clerk or the owner of any workshop. But still the recommendation, the teacher listened and let his boy of fifteen to study in Moscow.

Moscow met a young man surly. In a letter to his mother he writes: "I Live in a damp apartment, which never dry out the wall,and I sleep on the floor." The first attempt to enter the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture, Nicholas turned to failure. "From the drawing exam, I could not resist, with all the Sciences stand it, but drawing has ruined me, I'm not adopted," he writes home. He asks his father: "If you love me, then... please, take me to Kostroma, give me a chance to get rid of the ridicule of the people around you, believe me I'll make the effort and I will study hard". Father Nicholas warned that the financial aid will be scarce. In the second year, in June, 1889, Shleina passed exams in art school. "The exam I passed both science and painting," — he says happily home. To enter the school of painting, sculpture and architecture was not easy: it was filed one hundred and twenty statements, and took only eighteen.

Study Shleina the school from the first day was a success. Already in the second month of learning it from the original class are transferred to the parent class. Parental care of the house small. It is barely enough for food. In 1892, Nicholas Shleina still a student performs a drawing "hands." It is believed that if the artist is able to write a brush, it is an academic painter. For "the hand", he received the award of Pavel Tretyakov and free from tuition fees. His first earnings Shleina receives from private lessons. Teacher Shleina K. A. Savitsky allows Nicholas in his spare time, conduct private lessons: to prepare students for admission to the Moscow art school.

In a letter to parents Shleina writes: "I eat pickled cucumber, radish and bread." Another tells parents that began to draw a new production of the Workshop Savitsky. Did the circuit, and the colors do not. I have to sit and write. Shleina ask parents to send some money. The policy work of "Unknown," written later — the prototype of contemporary life Shleina. She was inspired by the personal experiences of the artist. On the canvas in the foreground sits a young man with a knapsack. On the table before him a glass of tea and nothing more. The host with suspicion and contempt looking at him, waiting for the young man will warm and left the place. Painting Board school was awarded a large silver medal, and the author received the title of class artist. This work was exhibited at the 28th traveling exhibition in St. Petersburg and attracted the attention of art lovers. (Now a sketch of the "Unknown" is exhibited in the Noble Assembly at the exhibition organized by Professor KSU A. I. Buzin.) In a letter to his mother Shleina writes: "Levitan himself came to me and said that he was very pleased to meet me and that thing he is my love. He also said that when he saw her Repin, so jumped in front of the picture, she says, the best in show of the genre... it was Nice to hear, and I could not believe my ears."

In 1898 he graduated from the school and received the title of class artist. "Now finished school and can work independently, — wrote to his mother. — Two paintings accepted for the exhibition of Association of artists of Moscow, which will open in St. Petersburg".

Next year after graduation invites a young artist in his Studio portrait of V. A. Serov. On the recommendation of Serov Shleina began to paint portraits of the high society of Moscow and St. Petersburg and wealthy patrons. Now he writes to his mother, which is earnings and can buy clothes and materials for the job. Then the material Shleina on his feet. Picture Shleina "Patron", which was first exhibited at the exhibition in Nobility (from the private collection of A. I. Buzin), inspired by new thoughts and feelings of the artist. Maecenas at intermission suited to the ballerina. Bows. His hat is removed. Previously, the artist painted peasant life. Now, going to the theater, socializing with wealthy audience form a new worldview of the artist.

After graduating from College Shleina decides to continue his art education and in 1901 he entered the Petrograd Academy of fine arts in the Studio of Professor Vladimir Makovsky. He encourages shleina early to come up with a picture of "the Immortal" contest. (Sketch of the thesis and sketches are exhibited in the Nobility.) The picture is awarded a gold medal and the highest prize — a trip abroad. To gather material for paintings Shleina repeatedly went to the fire.

At the Academy of arts opened higher pedagogical courses. He finishes the course and receive a certificate which entitles him to all cities of Russia to teach drawing and calligraphy in high schools and colleges. Shleina writes to his mother: "I accidentally went on this course. I would like in our city Kostroma to open a private school." Brilliantly graduated from the Academy, N.P.Shleina had the opportunity to stay there to teach, but he went to the fire. In 1904 in Kostroma Shleina opens art classes drawing, painting and sculpting, teaching in a real school gymnasium.

The school was placed in his father's house Shleina. In 1908 Shleina sketches of the new house with a turret. And in 1910 near the old house Shleina built a new house on the draft of the Shleina. In the new house Shleina lives and deals with graduate students. A primary school classes were in the old house. School Shleina considered one of the leading schools of Russia. Already by 1924, it had three main courses, after which students received the title of teacher of drawing.

It drove him to learn from Siberia and the Urals. Shleina was a demanding teacher. If you have seen that a mediocre student, was expelled from school. He raised up a galaxy of famous artists. His students: M. S. Kolesov, honoured worker of arts V. A. Kutilin — the honored worker of arts, E. G. Chemodurov, laureate of the State prize, I. A. Kozlov, honoured worker of culture. Shuvalov, also a student Shleina, told me that Shleina to discipline special requirements did not show. But he never missed one hour of training.\

Shleina was a supporter of classical art. In 30-ies he was invited to teach at the Academy of fine arts. Shleina came to Leningrad, visited the Academy, got to study for M. S. Kolesov. M. S. Kolesov in the Studio working on a painting, where the canvas was a picture of a cube and a rod. Promotion of new trends in art, cube productions is a tribute to that time. The artist painted the cube in green and blue tones. "What are you doing?" asked Shleina. "Build new form", — said Mikhail Sergeyevich. Shleina came to the rector of the Academy and stated that there was nothing he could do. This art he did not recognize.

At the Moscow Higher school Shleina was an authority. In 1936 he was invited to I the Academic dacha in Krasnodar, to teach the fundamentals of fine art by leading Soviet artists. There, among the students Shleina Kukryniksy.

After the death of Serov Shleina is one of the leading masters of the portrait. Shleina receives orders for portraits from the Imperial family. Portraits of great people of Russia: Gorky, Lunacharsky, Demian Poor, Novikov-Surf. Not all work Shleina lit up with a blaze of glory. Several works by the artist were destroyed. A portrait of D. Poor renamed the portrait of a man and did not appear at the exhibitions for a long time. The reason for that: D. Poor fell out of favor with Stalin after written the libretto for the Opera.

Portrait of Lunacharsky Shleina wrote in 1919. Then on two days came to Kostroma. He visited the house Shleina, in his Studio, the artist wrote it.

Portrait of Gorky Shleina writes abroad. In 1910 he went abroad to study the best collections of Western European art. He visited Warsaw, Vienna, Venice, Florence, Rome, Naples, Capri. In Rome Shleina meets with a group of Russian artists, which travels to the island of Capri, where he lived Gorky. There, on Capri, Shleina wrote portrait of Gorky. By the way, the portrait of Gorky wrote and Repin, and Serov, and Brodsky. However, the portrait Shleina was recognized as the best not only because of the striking similarities — Shleina was able to see the soul of the writer. Bitter sympathized with Slaine: "We're brothers, we're the no — told him Bitter. Let's go to the shore of the Gulf of Naples and talk about the Volga". Portrait of Gorky, written by Kleinem, was included in all encyclopedias, and the original is kept in the Museum of Gorky in Moscow.

Under the portrait of Gorky on exhibit in Nobility hangs a landscape, which depicts the Bay of Naples. Found this work of Professor A. I. Buzin accident. A trip abroad Shleina took the teacher of the gymnasium V. J. Morlino, which had a special affection. In Naples Shleina writes the landscape in the background of the picture you can see the island prison and Vesuvius. After returning home, Shleina gave this landscape Moralinojj. The A. I. Buzin found in terrible condition in the closet at home Moralinojj, which was located on the site of the current circus.

On the life and career of the artist had its UPS and anxiety, and unhappiness. In ples in 1912 drowned his daughter Natasha. It happened when father and daughter were aboard the boat. The girl slipped, fell into the water and drowned. Shleina with his wife more we didn't have kids. Wife, Lydia Konstantinovna, was a faithful helper Shleina. The head teacher of the school, she meticulously dealt and protocols, leaving a huge documentary material for posterity.

Dark-eyed, temperamental beauty of the Gypsy tribe (portrait of the wife there at the show) won the heart of the artist. The wife passed away before him. Lived an artist alone. Nursed a sick artist a pupil at the art school. Shleina bequeathed her his house. However, it was not the direct heir, and the Board of the Union of artists ordered the house Shleina to take the workshops by appealing the law in court.

Unfortunately, the house-Museum in Kostroma Shleina is still there, although the decision on its establishment was taken twice, in 1973 and 1978.

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