Ivanovich Avilov

Russia • 1882−1954

He studied at the Academy of Arts from 1904 to 1913. November 1, 1913 received the title of artist for the painting "the Prince on the promenade." (Kondakov)

Russian painter, people's artist of Russia (1953), full member AH the USSR (1947).

The work of M. I. Avilov has played an important role in the history of Russian battle painting of p. p. of the twentieth century his works have continued the tradition of the late academic painting of the 2nd half. 1 V. Avilov for three decades, from 1920 to 1940 –ies was the lead painter. He studied in St. Petersburg, first in the Drawing school of the Society for the encouragement of arts (1903), then in the Studio of L. E. Dmitriev-Kavkazskiy (1903-1904). As an auditor he studied at the Academy of arts from 1904 to 1913. His teachers were famous Russian battle F. A. Rubo and N. With.Samokish, the followers of V. V. Vereshchagin. In his works, the artist paid great attention to the accurate image of all details of equipment, uniforms, weapons. It is well passed the driving dynamics of the human figure, especially the rapid running of the horse. In this he was helped by drawings from life in quick, vivid sketches.

Already in the years of study Avilov showed interest in historical painting. His diploma work at the Academy was the painting "Young Ivan the terrible and the boyars-educators" (1913 Mykolaiv art Museum). As a student of the Academy, Avila began to participate in exhibitions in the Academy and Society. A. I. Kuindzhi.

In 1914 began the First world war. Avila went to the front as a volunteer through the war and served private. At the front, the artist never parted with pencils, doing sketches and sketches.

In 1917 Avilov was discharged, and from 1918 he lived in Tyumen and was working for the education Department, mainly handling the decoration of the city during the festivities, doing theatrical scenery.

In 1921 the artist returned to Petrograd, and began teaching at the school of the Society for the encouragement of arts, then in a State of the art workshops and Public art - industrial College.

In 1923 Avilov was a member of AHRR.

During this period he has acquired fame as a painter of battle scenes.

In battle the works of Avilov sought documented accurately reproduce a historical event, to fill the image sharpness, temperament, razigrannoi scenes. His works reflected the events of the civil war, the historical past of the Russian people, the peaceful everyday life of the army. His most famous work: "the WORKERS BROUGHT GUNS PUGACHEV" (RM, 1924), "BREAKTHROUGH of the POLISH FRONT, BUDYONNY ARMAGH in 1920" (CMS, 1927), "SIBERIAN PARTISANS" (state Russian Museum, 1926). The most significant work is the work of Avilov "the DUEL PERESVET WITH CHELUBEY" (RM, 1943). The basis of the picture put ancient legend about the fight between the Russian and Tatar hero. The artist was able to create psychologically vivid imagery, the tension of the match. Resonant colour chord Central powerful figures of warriors and horses the fierce, immediately attracts the viewer's attention.

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