Moiseevich Axelrod

Russia • 1902−1970

(15.VII.1902, Molodechno Vilna province – 10.I.1970, Moscow), the Author of thematic paintings, portraits, landscapes. Worked in the field of theatrical-decorative art. The first drawing lessons received in the city of Tambov, where he settled his family (1916-17). In 1919 A. went as a volunteer in the Red Army, worked as a draftsman in the Office of communications of the Western front in Minsk and then Smolensk. There he continued his artistic education – visits the art Studio of Proletkult, led by V. F. Stranica. After the civil war A. living in Minsk. He studied in Moscow VHUTEMAS in the graphical Department. Among his teachers – Pavel Pavlinov, S. Gerasimov, F. Tabor. After graduation lives and works in Moscow. Member of society "4 of art", "OST", MOSKh. A. is an active participant of many exhibitions. Taught in Vhuteine, the Textile Institute. In 1972, in Moscow held a personal (posthumous) exhibition, shown later in Leningrad and Smolensk (1973).

(the author - L. M. Kozikova)

Lit.: Artists of the peoples of the USSR. – Vol. 1. – M., 1970.- P. 80; Meer Moiseevich Akselrod. Directory. – Smolensk, 1973; Georgy Fedorov. Meir Axelrod. – M., 1982

(1902, M. Molodechno Vilna province, now the town of Molodechno in Belarus – 1970, Moscow)

Stage designer, an outstanding master of book graphics. Brother of Zelik Axelrod (1904, Molodechno — 1941, Minsk) is a poet who wrote in Yiddish and repressed by the Soviet authorities.

Eleven years studied painting at the private school I. pan, then in the Tambov art school of V. N. Perelman and the Smolensk Proletkult art Studio under the guidance of VF shtraniha. In 1921 he entered the graphic faculty of the higher art and technical Institute, where he studied under V. A. Favorsky, I. Mashkov, R. Falk, A. Arkhipov, P. Y. Pavlinov,

P. Konchalovsky, A. Shevchenko.

In 1926, while still a student, Axelrod took part in the exhibition "4 art". It works side by side with the works of N. P. Ulyanov, I. Nivinsky, P. Miturich,

L. V. Bruni, V. A. Favorsky and P. Ya. Pavlinov. Member of Moscow Union of artists since 1932.

Quite early decided artistic manner Axelrod – somewhere at the "crossroads" of painting and drawing: brushwork, the artist preferred a pencil, and gouache and tempera – oil painting.

All the works of Axelrod's filled with love for the Jewish people, pain for his fate. The poor Jewish shtetls of Belarus, illustrations for the works of Sholom Aleichem and Isaac Babel, the cycle of songs "the Ghetto" have become the hallmark of the artist.

The works of Axelrod kept in the Tretyakov gallery, Russian Museum, the Museum of fine arts. Pushkin, Chuvash art Museum, and other public and private collections. The daughter of Meir Axelrod is a poet and translator Elena Axelrod (b. 1932, Moscow) – lives and works in Jerusalem, the grandson and disciple of the artist Mikhail Yakhilevich (b. 1956, Moscow) – in mA'ale Adumim (Israel).


1. Gerchuk, Yu (author VST. article). Meer Moiseevich Akselrod. Painting. Graphics. Theatre. Directory. Moscow. Soviet artist. 1972

2. Hapchynska N. In. Art of the republics of the Caucasus and Central Asia. State Museum of art of the peoples of the East. Prospect. Moscow. 1992

3. Bialik V. were... Group portrait of artists on the background of the era // Russian art. Vol.6. Moscow. 2006. P. 142

4. Butorina E. I. (compiler), D. S. Bisti, O. G. Vereisky, Y. A. Molok, G. G. Pospelov, D. A. Shmarinov (editorial Board). The Soviet schedule. Vol.9. Moscow. Soviet artist. 1985. P. 41

5. Fedorov, G. A., Meir Axelrod. Moscow. Soviet artist. 1982

6. Chegodaev A. Book and easel graphics in 15 years. Moscow. 1933

7. Mayland Century of Love and sadness a gust of centrifugal // Moscow artist. Moscow. 22.09.1977

8. Kutin M. (author VST. article). Meer Moiseevich Akselrod. Directory. Smolensk. 1973

9. Kravchenko K. Soviet graphics in the fight for the fullness of realistic images. Notes on the exhibition of the 30th anniversary of MOSKh // Art. Vol.3. 1963. P. 37

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