Dmitrievich Aksinin

Russia • 1949−1985

Biografía e información

Unique graphic artist, born October 2, 1949 in the city of Lviv. In 1974 he made the first etching, and since etching technique became his main form of artistic expression. In the late 1970-ies Aksinin met with a circle of figures of the "other culture" of Moscow and Leningrad artists, art critics, poets who worked outside the official art, in particular, with Dmitry Prigov, Viktor by Kivulini, Ilya Kabakov, Eduard Gorokhovsky, Genrikh Sapgir, and others. Many of them Aksinin is dedicated to his graphic work. Poet Victor Krivulin helped organize in the early 1980s, several of the "apartment" exhibitions in Leningrad and in Moscow, and the publication of his works in "samizdat" journals "37" and "Watch". A significant part of the work of A. aksinin's dedicated to the visual interpretations of great literary works from the Bible and Chinese to Frans Kafka and Velimir Khlebnikov. During the life of the artist had several solo exhibitions in Tallinn, Lodz and Warsaw, and twice was awarded an honorary medal at the International Biennial "Small Graphic Forms" (Lodz, Poland, 1979 and 1985). In 1981, received first prize in the competition, dedicated to the 1500th anniversary of St. Benedict - patron of Europe (Gliwice, Poland). Alexander aksinin's life was tragically cut short at age 35 - he died in a plane crash on may 3, 1985. In recent years several exhibitions were held A. aksinin's in different cities and countries. In 2006, SIID he held his first solo exhibition aksinin's in Rostov-on-don. In the summer of 2008 the artist's widow donated MSEED about 150 etchings. From 3 December 2008 to 17 January 2009 in the State Museum of A. S. Pushkin (Moscow) MSIE organizes an exhibition of graphics by A. aksinin's "Time - Space - Eternity." Moscow exhibition A. aksinin's open in the eve executable in 2009, the 60th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding master schedules.