Borisovich Arsenyev

Russia • nació en 1939

The poster. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Born in Moscow in 1939. In 1951-1958, he studied at the Moscow secondary art school. Immediately after graduation he entered the Moscow art Institute. V. I. Surikov, where he studied at the poster workshop of M. M. Cheremnykh, N.. Ponomareva, M. O. Savostyuka, B. A. Uspensky. In 1964 graduated from the Institute. In 1968 he was accepted as a member of the Union of artists of the USSR. Arsenyev traveled through the country (North, far East, Siberia). In 1975, after a trip to BAM, the artist created a series of posters, one of which is "go Ahead!" he in 1979 was awarded the annual prize of the Komsomol Central Committee. And in 1976, for the poster "Let there always be sunshine!" won first prize at the all-Union poster competition.

Arkady Borisovich has combined creative activities with the public. Since 1977 he has been Deputy Chairman of the Commission on the poster artists ' Union of Russia and Chairman of the arts Council the creative production Studio of visual propaganda HF RSFSR. And since 1979 – Deputy Chairman of the poster section of Moscow Union of artists. 1988-1989 was the chair of the section poster of Mosh. From 1989 – 2006 he was Secretary of the CX of the Russian Federation.

Was a teacher of a specialized art Institute of GSEE. Since 1967, the Arsenyev – has been a constant participant in Moscow, Republican, all-Union and international exhibitions.

(Source: website of the Ministry of agriculture)

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