Sergeyevich Bantikov

Russia • 1914−2001

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Engaged in Pavlovo-Posadskaya Studio FROM 1926 V. Rachinsky, at the workers ' arts

at IZHSA since 1932, And D. Zaitsev and from 1934 to 1940 from B. V. Johanson, and A. I. Savinova. Thesis "the capture of the Winter Palace" is in the Museum of the Academy of Arts.

Participant of exhibitions since 1939. Worked in the battle genre (themes of the October revolution, the great Patriotic war, a naval theme), in the genre of landscape and portrait (portraits of K. E. Voroshilov, M. I. Kalinin, the soldiers of the red Army). Performed a series of sketches during the voyage to India in 1956 and 1957.

1952 – artist Studio Grekov.

In 1958 – 1963 and participated in the execution of the panorama "the Defeat of German fascist troops on the Volga".

In 1948 – 1951 he taught at the Leningrad higher art-industrial school.

Work Bantikow are in the State Russian Museum, Central naval Museum, the Museum of the history of Leningrad.


1. Borovsky, A. D. At the hour of courage. Art by Leningrad artists during the siege. Directory // Museum. Vol.8. Moscow. 1987. C. 5 – 58

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